Duet 0.8.5 fan MOSFET short
Just placed my 2nd order (#257) since my 0.8.5 just got a hole in the processor (literally), died mid-print. Not sure what happened, it's been working flawlessly since I got it a few months ago,
I wouldn't mind a black and blue board (for #257) if it would speed up delivery since I am very dependent on the printer right now for building my second printer (order #90).
Jimborr, sounds like you could have a wiring issue where VIN is fed into a 3.3V pin.
Jimborr, sounds like you could have a wiring issue where VIN is fed into a 3.3V pin.
Mosfet for PWM_FAN0 is fried and there is a hole in the SAM3X chip
Don't know how it happened. I was sitting next to the printer while it was
running and it just stopped. Fans stopped and then jumped back to life again. But I can't get it to respond anymore (with a hole in the processor I am
not surprised though).
Mosfet for PWM_FAN0 is fried and there is a hole in the SAM3X chip
Don't know how it happened. I was sitting next to the printer while it was
running and it just stopped. Fans stopped and then jumped back to life again. But I can't get it to respond anymore (with a hole in the processor I am
not surprised though).I've heard of one similar-sounding case on a Duet 0.8.5, The user shorted the fan output terminals, which fried the fan mosfet, which took the SAM3X with it. So I suggest you check your fan wiring.
As a result of that case, for the Duet WiFi I specified a gate series resistor for the fan mosfets high enough so that if the fan gets shorted and the mosfet fries and its gate gets shorted to +24V, there is a better chance that the SAM4E will survive.
Hi David
Will do a total rewire near hotend for more modular handling.
Was very happy with my board. Fixing the SMD mosfet i can probably do, but not a chance with the SAM3XE…
As I wrote before i could take a black/blue as the replacement (#257)
Getting all shaky not being able to print
And I just got the bed calibrated almost perfectly too