Automatic toolchange on filament runout ?
is it possible to do an automatic tool change when the filament runs out ?
I am using simple micro switches to detect when filament run out.I am using an Y-adapter at the moment with three tools using the same heater.
One of them T2 (no stepper motor) is just for preheat without free and post macros. I preheat it to do z-probing via a piezo probe to soften filament that may stick to the nozzle.
The other two tools T0,T1 , each with their own stepper motor, have free and post commands to retract/feed the filament to the correct positions of the y-adapter.I would feed the same filament&color to the y-adapter when I print some filament that will run out during print so it can automatically proceed by switching to the other tool.
So I don't want it to be active all the time to switch over automatically.Any example code/gcode/pointers to documents/help.. is welcome.
I am using duet wifi 1.02, firmware 2.02rc5, wifi server 1.21, web-interf 1.22.5
Thank you
This isn't possible yet. However, someone else has asked for a user script to be run when a filament error is detected, and if that is implemented then it could be used to change tools.
@dc42 Thank you very much for the information
@dc42 David, so after many months of trying to get first a Laser and now a Magnetic sensor working.. I FINALLY HAVE IT WORKING! YAY. The sensor I got had a cracked piece of plastic not letting it tension the filament. The Installation guide should ensure there is tension on the filament before proceeding.
But to the reason i am posting here. Did the "post Script" ability every get implemented ? Like a Prusa I would like to allow it to do a specific action upon detection.