Duet Wifi and CR-10
@opentoideas I'm not the best person to answer that as I only use a single Z stepper. What you say sounds right but to be sure, I think you'll find all the answers you need here https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Choosing_and_connecting_stepper_motors
@deckingman lol not quite. been there and read that but it only got me as far as I am. hopefully there are others out there that will read this but either way I can test without the leadscrews connected just to be safe.
starting to look like Fedex re not bothering to deliver to me today - only 15 min left of the delivery window so not very happy with them. think I will be complaining to E3D in the morning - not that it's their fault but the couriers dont give a damn about the recipient only their client
@opentoideas said in Duet Wifi and CR-10:
next thing to think about.....
I currently have dual Z axis drive motors and the current wiring has these in parallel.
Looking at the Duet board it seems this has been considered and there are 2 Z axis headers and the advice I have found is that these are wired in series and this is better for our use.
so if I am understanding how stepper motors work then am I correct in thinking that if I use these 2 connectors one for each motor then the "A" coils on the two motors are linked in series and the "B" coils are linked in series?
if so then I just have to make sure that the wiring looms board to motor are the same for each motor to avoid them going in opposite directions?
However, if they are wired in parallel in the wiring loom, I suggest you leave them that way. If they are low current motors, then parallel wiring is better than series anyway.
Alternatively, if you have no other plans for the E1 motor output then you can connect one to Za and one to E1, then if you have a Z probe on your machine, you can get them to sync up automatically. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Bed_levelling_using_multiple_independent_Z_motors. Use the M584 command in config.g to tell the firmware that you have them connected this way:
M584 Z3:5 E4
@opentoideas said in Duet Wifi and CR-10:
Looking at the Duet board it seems this has been considered and there are 2 Z axis headers and the advice I have found is that these are wired in series and this is better for our use.
Another option is to wire each Z-axis stepper to its own driver so they can move independently. I have one Z stepper going to the Z driver and the other connected to the second extruder driver.
One of the problems I had with the CR-10 was that the X axis rail was difficult to keep level with the bed. If one side of the x axis was slightly higher or lower than the other it would affect the quality of the first layer. The level of the X axis would be different every time the printer was powered up and difficult to manually level.
I solved this problem by independently driving the Z axis steppers and I added some g-code to the slicer that would, at the start of each print, move the carriage left and right on the x axis, and using the z-probe, adjust each side of the x axis to be level with the bed.
Generally, I find this will get the x axis level to within +/- 0.003 mm and make a good first layer much more repeatable.
Oh, I see dc42 beat me to it.
@dc42 thank you and this is one of the many reasons I headed this way as every time there is something to think about it seems you have already thought about it figured it out and come up with a solution!
I now have the board
and have to say if the initial network config is a taste of things to come then this might actually be fun.
if its not too much trouble would you be kind enough to check my logic on the CR-10 motors? the part number on the X and Y is JD42HS40-1004-02F though I cant find much I believe the 1004 refers to 1.0A so set up at 700mA
I know the E drive as its not standard and is the Titan aero pancake 17HS08-1004S so again 1.0A 1.8deg
but the Z motors just have Creality 42-34 which is not much help. Guessing they will be 1.8deg and possibly set a bit lower at 500mA?
@insertnamehere thank you so much, that sounds like a much better plan (even if DC42 was a bit quicker on the draw)
@opentoideas said in Duet Wifi and CR-10:
I know the E drive as its not standard and is the Titan aero pancake 17HS08-1004S so again 1.0A 1.8deg
I could be wrong but I thought E3D's Titan pancake motors were 0.9 degree, not 1.8 - might be worth checking. It won't affect what current you set them to but it will affect the steps per mm (roughly 400 for a Titan with1.8 degree motors, but roughly 800 for the 0.9 degree motors).
@deckingman thats what I thought too but this may have been an oddball as it came from DjDemon and when I looked it up it came back with 1.8deg - https://www.oyostepper.com/images/upload/File/17HS08-1004S.pdf
that confused me when I first fitted it as I went with 0.9 rather than checking lol 837 steps vs 418 made a lot of mess!
@insertnamehere said in Duet Wifi and CR-10:
One of the problems I had with the CR-10 was that the X axis rail was difficult to keep level with the bed. If one side of the x axis was slightly higher or lower than the other it would affect the quality of the first layer. The level of the X axis would be different every time the printer was powered up and difficult to manually level.
I solved this problem by independently driving the Z axis steppers and I added some g-code to the slicer that would, at the start of each print, move the carriage left and right on the x axis, and using the z-probe, adjust each side of the x axis to be level with the bed.Are you using M671 and G32, or something different?
so does this look correct in my config.h to set up the dual Z motors?
; Drives
M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S1 ; Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards
M569 P4 S1 ; Drive 4 goes forwards
M584 X0 Y1 Z2:4 E3 ; Driver 0 controls the X motor, 1 controls Y, 2 and 4 control Z motors, 3 control E motor
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation
M92 X80 Y80 Z400 E420 ; Set steps per mm
M566 X900 Y900 Z12 E120 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X30000 Y30000 Z900 E1500 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X500 Y500 Z100 E5000 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 X800 Y800 Z500 E800 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent
M84 S30 ; Set idle timeoutI have wired in and tested the heaters, thermistors, end stops and fans and am about to start on the motors. I am sure I will have to correct direction on some but I plan to do that in the testing phase.
I am really glad there are plenty of crimp terminals as I had a few losses until I got things dialed in but I have to say the setup and testing so far has been a dream
Yes that looks good to me (I don't know whether the steps/mm are correct for the CR10). Eventually you will want to add a M671 command as well, but that can wait. The M203 values may be too high, again I don't know the CR10.
@dc42 thank you. thats me all wired up so time to start the commissioning and see what needs changed.
so if i understand correctly then the M584 instructs both drives 2 and 4 to move when a Z instruction is given and both drives will be working on the same parameters defined in the script.
leveling can come later for the moment I just want movement in the correct drive and in the correct direction
baby steps for me as its all new so I just want to do one thing at a time.
plan is direction first
then rough steps/mm check
then worry about leveling........then throw a file at it and see how far out I am lol
OMG I an in love!!!
just threw a bunch of best guess settings at it when it looked OK I manually leveled the bed and started a print to see how bad it would be.....
erm..... even throwing 200% speed at it, its silent and the best print yet LOL
and I am sure there is a lot of tweaking to do but DAMN! I like!!
OK the bad... sliced in Cura and I am getting repeated M205 not recognised warnings - like hundreds of them - OK my stupidity need to change G code flavor in Cura from Marlin to Reprap O presume lol
hopefully something simple but thats the only problem lol
Big thanks to DC42 and the team I have no regrets at all!
@dc42 In the start g-code of the slicer I have:
G30 P0 X20 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near left leadscrew
G30 P1 X280 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a right and calibrate 2 motors
G30 P0 X20 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near left leadscrew
G30 P1 X280 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near right leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G30 P0 X20 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near left leadscrew
G30 P1 X280 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near right leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G30 P0 X20 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near left leadscrew
G30 P1 X280 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near right leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G30 P0 X20 Y150 Z-99999 ; probe near left leadscrew
G30 P1 X280 Y150 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near right leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors
G28 Z ; home Z axis(Would look so much nicer if G-Code supported conditional loops)
In most cases I find 5 repeats of the leveling works well. -
5 repetitions is rather high. Do you find that the early ones consistently under-correct, and the following one makes smaller corrections in the same direction? If so then you can use the F parameter on the M671 command to speed up convergence.
well I have my first issue. trying to configure the extruder and its a mess.
so without the hotend fitted 460 steps/mm is the number
with the hotend clean and free of blockages and a 0.6mm nozzle I have to up that to 545 at 1mm/s feedrate
wile I didn't expect 5mm/s feedrate to work it only moved 1/2 the fillament
I have swapped the 20mm stepper for the great big lump that was on the CR-10 extruder but this has not made any difference.
it has to be either missing steps or slipping on the filament but how do I check?
config file as its equally likely I have done something daft -
If the extrusion rate is reducing by half then either the motor is skipping steps or the hobbed shaft is losing its grip on the filament. If the motor is skipping steps (which you can usually hear, or see the gear wheel flicking backwards), then you need to increase the extruder motor current if it will take more. If the hobbed shaft is losing its grip, try increasing the filament clamping force in the extruder drive - most extruder designs have a screw for adjusting this.
It's normal to get a slight increase in required steps/mm at high extrusion rates due to increase in the back pressure, but not as much as 100%, more like 5 to 8%. RepRapFirmware has a nonlinear extrusion facility to allow you to compensate for this effect.
@opentoideas Do you have any details on the hot end and extruder? It ought to be possible to extrude at 5mm/sec without having to up the steps per mm - I do it all the time when I'm loading filament. OK, I use a 0.5mm nozzle and yours is 0.6 but you are struggling with 1mm/sec feed rate so something is amiss. Have you tuned the heater and got the correct setting for thermistor? Just wondering if the actual temperature is lower than that being reported. I guess a quick and dirty test would be just to up the temperature by say 20 or 30 degC and see if that helps.
@dc42 @deckingman thank you
its a Titan Aero with a volcano hotend
not hearing any skips or stutters. the feed gear seems to be moving steady at all speeds and I have the clamp all the way to tight and for these tests the temp is up at 235 though it is PETG
I am not convinced the the thermistor is accurate though as it does not seem as hot as normal though I have no idea what it is so it may have to wait until the batch of new ones I ordered arrives. its not the best to be trying to guess with unknown components and heat could be out which wont help.
@opentoideas OK. I used to run Titans (5 of them) with my Diamond hot end. Steps per mm should be around 410. IIRC mine ranged from about 398 to 420. So, if you are having to use 460 without the hot end fitted, it would indicate an issue with the extruder motor or the hobbed bolt slipping or something like that, rather than a temperature thing? Unless the filament diameter is crazy out which is a bit unusual these days.