Unable to update PanelDue firmware
I have just tried to update my new PanelDue7i firmware and bossac reports it cannot find the device on the appropriate port.
I carried out the normal procedure of erasing, restting, and then trying upgrade with bossac. The same procedure works properly on all my earlier versions of paneldue. I am using windows 10 and the only other novel feature is the the pc restarts when I pull the usb plug out. Presumably because the load is so high.
Anyone any ideas?
Perhaps you are using an old version of bossac? You need 1.8, the latest.
Many thanks that was the problem
I also having a problem, I get an error when I run the newest 64bit version: "Caught Unhandled, unknown exception, terminating". Also running running Bosac.exe from your github just quickly flashes a window and disappears. Win10. ANy other options?
The bossac program needs to be ran via command line.
“Testing the board and updating the firmware”
open command prompts, then run this command
"C:\Program Files\BOSSA\bossac.exe" --port=COM9 -e -w -v -b PanelDueFirmware.bin
changing the file path and file name and path as required.