Firmware Retraction Tuning with Macros
@wilriker thanks for the catch on the Mac system files. They are of course not visible on my system. I just used the built in compressor. I'll use a tool with more options and update the file.
Do you think there are a lot more direct drive extruders with distances larger than those I provided? Would it be worthwhile to add more or would the average person know they needed longer? I'm always trying to keep the mind set of a beginner. Maybe a file named "if you need longer look in Bowden folder"
EDIT: Fixed!
@phaedrux said in Firmware Retraction Tuning with Macros:
@wilriker thanks for the catch on the Mac system files. They are of course not visible on my system. I just used the built in compressor. I'll use a tool with more options and update the file.
That's what I thought, so I also thought I just tell you.
Do you think there are a lot more direct drive extruders with distances larger than those I provided? Would it be worthwhile to add more or would the average person know they needed longer? I'm always trying to keep the mind set of a beginner. Maybe a file named "if you need longer look in Bowden folder"
Hard to tell. I would assume that most modern direct drive extruders would either use a V6 style hotend that cannot handle such long retractions very well. Also if someone uses an older model like a MK8 then they either have bought a super cheap Anet A8 (like me) or already know what they are doing for a long time.
I bought my printer based on an article in the Make Magazine where they also provided a list of things that definitely need to be replaced for safety reasons as well as some helpful upgrades. They also provided profile files for Cura that had 7mm retraction length with which I started.Anyway, I think your idea about the file that tells people to look in the bowden directory in case they need longer retractions is a good middle ground.
@Phaedrux These are excellent! Well done and thank you for taking the time to share them!
I've updated the download link to include macros for tuning extruder acceleration, jerk, and travel acceleration.
Next up, macros for tuning XYZ acceleration and jerk.
@phaedrux said in Firmware Retraction Tuning with Macros:
Next up, macros for tuning XYZ acceleration and jerk.
Waiting for that
Just using it now to tune.Thank you for this!
Much easier!
@brunofporto I've got the other files mostly done. Will upload them after some testing.
@Phaedrux hi have a small question. should the g10 / 11 in the start script of simply3d or not. I'm now ready to fine-tune, and jpu marcos will certainly come in handy.
@gideon I don't understand your question.
Have you configured Simplify3D to use firmware retraction? Perhaps using this method?
@phaedrux I done this today but you need to add extra post processing to simplify 3d very important is to not to put 4.5mm (like in that tutorial ) but 4.5000
{REPLACE "G1 E-4.5000 F4800\n" "G10\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E-0.0500 F4800\n" "G11\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E-0.0500 F1440\n" "G11\n"}
{REPLACE "; inner perimeter" "; inner perimeter\nM204 S1500\nM205 X20 Y20"}
{REPLACE "; outer perimeter" "; outer perimeter\nM204 S500\nM205 X7 Y7"}
{REPLACE "; solid layer" "; solid layer\nM204 S700\nM205 X10 Y10"}
{REPLACE "; infill" "; infill\nM204 S1500\nM205 X15 Y15"}
{REPLACE "; support" "; support\nM204 S1500\nM205 X20 Y20"}{STRIP "; postProcessing"}
and i also added some settings to start script for M207
M207 S4.5 F4800 Z0 ; set retraction length / speed
I'm just not sure why here is also M208 in this tutorial
M208 S0 F480 ; set retraction recover speed / adjustments
because for unretract speed is M207 Txxx
and then run some test prints with 4 small objects
and after using this scripts i ended up with
M207 S4.50 R-0.10 F6000 T4800 Z0.1for Ziro White PLA
@kilop M208 sets unretract length in smoothie and Marlin apparently. Good catch.
probably there could be also other option to change retraction generated by simplify 3d
in g-code tab tick m101 m102 m103 option
and in post process put this{REPLACE "M101" "G11"}
{REPLACE "M103" "G10"}
{STRIP "M102"}I will check this tomorrow at work
with that option will be easier to just copy and paste script
to another profile
@phaedrux Can you point me to a thread or an article about how to set up firmware retraction ?
@dakingofhearts2003 Well you need to enable it in your slicer and then have a command in your config.g to configure your retraction settings.
@phaedrux I understand that part. Understanding those macros and how to alter them is what im looking for ...
@dakingofhearts2003 Retraction settings are configured with M207
@phaedrux I am having some serious issues that i don't think the retraction will help but i was going to do the retraction tuning anyway. Am i supposed to enable relative extrusion distances in the slicer ? And where do i start to deal with the issue of parts coming out smaller than they are supposed to. I can get them to print well but not dimensionally accurate...
@dakingofhearts2003 Probably best to start a new thread to address your issues.
Is there are wipe while retracting function in firmware retraction aswell?