Can I send my board back for repair?
So under installations it seems like all the PMV40UN2 mosfets have blown
I can not use PWM to control these ports anymore and I dont know why but this is not something I can fix myself. Can I get it replaced by Duet3D somehow?
Man this board has given me headache but it is due to my incompetence I am sorry
Which country are you in?
This post is deleted! -
@dc42 Hi - I am in Norway - Oslo
I can repair Duets, but the cost of postage to/from the UK may make it uneconomical for you. Tracked carriage from UK to Norway is £7.55. If you are unlucky then you may get assessed for duty or VAT too.
Thanks I already payd Duty/VAT so this should be ok. I just dont know what other way to get this done properly as I dont know what else might have blown than the mosfetsStrange that all PWM mosfets are gone... might be something else?
I really did not want to buy a new board
Let me check what it should cost sending it over to you. 7,55£ is fine for the return but it depends on the repair cost...
@pro3d, I charge £20 for replacing fan mosfets (the same price regardless of how many mosfets). Normally that would be +VAT, but VAT doesn't apply to Norway. So the customs value on return will be declared as £20.
The usual reason for more than one mosfet blowing is that the user had a fan that is either rated at too low a voltage or with the + and - wires reversed, and tried it in all 3 fan outputs.
Before you send the board for repair, check whether you can turn the fans on and off using M106 P# H-1 S0 and M106 P# H-1 S1 where # is the fan number. If the fans stay on or off all the time, the mosfet is blown. If the fan turns on and off, then the mosfets are OK but your fans don't like PWM. Reducing the PWM frequency may help.
Thanks boss! I have been in contact with some SMD people where I am at but not sure if I like them doing this.
The M106 P# H-1 S0/1 does not do a thing it is just always on on all ports
All invoices under 32,50 including shipping is ok without Customer clearance/VAT so that should be safe.
What address should I ship it to - Escher 3D?
Labeling? -
See I am about to go on holiday for 2 weeks, so I suggest you aim for it to arrive around 10 July. There will be someone at the office to receive your package if it arrives sooner. Please enclose a note with a description of the fault, your return address and your PayPal email address. Pack the board in antistatic packaging. On the customs label state it is faulty goods for repair, with no commercial value, to avoid it getting subject to VAT (the VAT wouldn't be a problem because I can reclaim it, but the Post Office charge for collecting the VAT would).