Duet Web Control wishlist notes and priorities
@t3p3tony I actually referred to the HTML
attribute of the related<td>
tag.So we are both right.
P.S.: Updated original post to be more clear.
@chrishamm I've been testing 1.21.2-b2 and your firmware build for a while and things seem to be working alright. One thing I have noticed is that the auto-complete in the G-code console seems to be rather aggressive. If you have several entries in the list and you try and manually enter a shorter version of the command you have to press escape to close the auto complete list before you can enter it.
Example, if the list has M566 X1000 Y1000, M566 E999, M566 X10 Y10, and you want to just enter M566 without any parameters the auto complete will insist on highlighting one of the previous values with parameters until you press escape. Once it's been entered once without parameters it will go into the list and will be selected going forward, but the first time you try and enter it can be rather confusing and frustrating.
I can confirm what @Phaedrux reports about the auto-completion.
I can confirm this about the auto completion too, in addition it seems to be case-insensitive which can be a problem sometimes.
If you can, please update to my latest beta here: https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetWebControl/blob/dev/DuetWebControl-1.22-b1.zip The changelog this time is:
- Minor layout changes
- Removed fotomas's Dark theme in favour of standard Slate theme
- Improved theme support for standard Boostrap 3 themes
- Added a few new Bootstrap 3 themes from bootswatch.com
- Added MCU temperature to Sensors panel
- Added machine mode string to the Machine Status panel (requires latest RRF version)
- Made usage of localStorage optional
- Greatly improved automatic reconnect behaviour
- Added more movement buttons for XL displays (>= 1500px)
- Clicking on the axis coordinates allows setting them directly via G92
- Factory defaults of DWC can be stored as dwc_factory.json on the SD card in /www
- Bug fix: G-Code auto completion always selected the first entry
- Bug fix: Some elements were not named correctly causing the W3C validation to fail
- Bug fix: Units of min+max voltages were wrong
- Minor OEM enhancements
!! IMPORTANT !! I no longer support fotomas's dark theme, so please do not be surprised that the web interface looks fairly bad if you used it before. Instead of the Dark theme I suggest you change to the Slate theme which will look similar but cleaner IMHO. Also, there are plenty of Bootstrap 3 themes out there, so if find any other theme that looks nice with DWC, please let me know and I will add it provided the license is OK. To install it, just rename it to <themename>.theme.css and upload it on via the Upload button on DWC. After reloading the web interface, it should be available for selection.
If you notice any more problems, please let me know. AFAICS there is only one problem concerning the extruder drive positions that I am still trying to track down but if no other issues show up, I hope I can finally publish a "real" release for v1.22 soon.
@zerspaner_gerd The first two fans are identical because the default tool fan is #0. You could customise that via M563 though.
Any chance of adding function to download all the macros as a zip file instead of just having a "delete" option only?
@shadowx that would be handy. In the meantime the easiest way to download all the macros (or anything else on the SD card) without removing the card itself is to setup an FTP connection.
Filezilla is the recommended client.
@chrishamm Thanks for the new version! I can confirm that both the wrong units for voltages as well as the aggressiveness of the auto-completion have been fixed.
I personally like the new Slate theme a lot over the old Dark theme. Only thing I will probably change is the background color for input fields as well as the text-editor modal to
as the white background is too much of a contrast IMHO.I also like the new arrangement at the top.
But I found an inconsistency (already in previous beta, not sure about earlier version) in the size of the baby-stepping buttons: They are asymmetric if there is not enough horizontal space
I get that they need to adapt as they are responsive I just don't like that they adapt individually. I'd rather have both of them be tall instead just one of them. My CSS-fu is far from being good so I have no clue if this can even be achieved at all but my inner-symmetry-requirements would love to see this being changed.EDIT: One more enhancement might be nice: in the sensors section if you hover the
value you get min and max for it as title text. The same could be done for MCU temp as the values are also provided with the full response.EDIT 2: Only just now realized: where is the
button gone to? I used that to disconnect from DWC when connected from remote to save bandwidth but it seems to be gone now. -
Delta auto delta calibration gui.
@reahax I can confirm this with a generic
M291 Z1 ...
In case it is not obvious: the negative values are some defaults and not the ones the user set (as can be seen for the positive values).
EDIT: I just realized that these aren't default values but my custom ones just offset by two - which might come from additional buttons due to a wide screen...
EDIT2: I tracked this down and created Negative buttons in M291 dialog have high-end values instead of low-end #87 at GitHub. It's just one value to be adjusted so I did not create a PR for this.
@wilriker im pretty new with duet board. How can i adjust these values ?
@reahax On the
Machine Control
tab just right-click any value you want to change and it will open a dialog to enter the new value. Positive and negative values are always bound together. After all values have been adjusted go toSettings
tab and hit theApply
button to save. Otherwise the values will be lost on reload. -
@wilriker Thanks, good to know. But i can't do this for delta auto delta calibration menu.
@reahax No. But these values are also bound to the values at
Machine Control
. So if you e.g. set the smallest movement for Z there to be 0.02 it will be also 0.02 at the Delta Calibration menu - after the bug you discovered and I confirmed has been fixed. If you are impatient like me use the followingdwc.js.gz
file that has the bug already fixed. Just upload it the same way you would upload a full DWC on theSettings
tab.dwc.js.gz at my Dropbox.
@wilriker Thanks alot, so much to learn
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like the new dark theme better than the old one.
I'll have a look at the M291 issue. The wrapping of the babystepping captions is due to the fact that + is a bit wider than - but I'll check if I can work-around it.
Edit: Indeed the connect/disconnect button is gone now. But if you want to use it from a remote machine and try to save bandwidth, you could clone my DWC GitHub repository to your computer and open reprap.htm in your browser which lets you connect to your machine too. But if you feel like this solution is not sufficient for you, I may consider adding the connect button back to the UI.
I like the new designs! But on a big screen I think the old arrangement of the Tools / Machine status and Temperature Chart was better. (Also the Upload & Print / Send G-Code Button). Now you have to move the mouse over the whole screen to send a g-code / change the temperature or open the menu... You don't have to click anything on the machine-status panel but this is the one directly above the settings menu...
I've just pushed v1.22-b2 to my GitHub repo, see https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetWebControl/blob/dev/DuetWebControl-1.22-b2.zip
It provides fixes for the issues since 1.22-b1. Please let me know if you encounter any other problems.
@kuhnikuehnast One of the criticism points for DWC was that the machine coordinates were not displayed in the top left corner like on a typical CNC machine, so I decided to move the status panel to the left. Also, the new layout in the navbar makes it easier to add OEM banners if required.
@chrishamm I just uploaded this and cannot move any axis unless they are homed. I've ticked the check box "Allow moves if axes are not homed" and applied that setting but to no avail. Mine is a CoreXYUV if that makes any difference. I do have M564 H0 at the end of my config.g. This was working fine on 1.21.2-dc42 but doesn't work on your 1.22-b2.