pronterface -1M110 error
I am not sure where the m100 is being sent I assume its pronterface its not in my gcode
doesn't seem to cause a problem as I can see is there a way for pronterface not to send the m110
command also could it be a problem with prints?using duet wifi with 121
Thanks gary
Had to google what M100 was (its a "free memory watch" in Marlin). Maybe pronterface can be changed to turn it off? I don't use pronterface any more, only YAT if I need a USB connection then the web interface once the network is UP.
Never tried YAT you can send gcode files?
Haven't tried the web page either will give it a try..Don't see any where to turn off M110 in pronterface.
Thanks gary
I don't think you can send gcode files - but I use the web interface for that. All I use the USB for now is to get the network setup if i move the printer to a new network.
I think it should be possible to send GCode files from YAT for immediate execution, using the menu Send/File command. What you won't get is readouts of temperatures or the possibility to pause sending.