No tool selected
I know I have seen this answered here somewhere but I cannot find it. I am getting the following error, it still prints but would like to know why, here is the error
5:00:02 PM
M32 THWACK.gcode
File THWACK.gcode selected for printing
Setting temperature: no tool selected.Here is my start code in S3D
G21; Metric Values
M116; wait for all temps
G28 ; home all axes
G1 X0 Y50 Z0.3 F9600 ; Move forward to avoid binder clips
G1 X280 Z5 F3600 ; Move off platform
G1 Z1 ; Position nozzle above buildplate
G92 E0 ; Zero extruder
G1 E25 F225 ; Purge left extruder
G92 E0 ; Zero extruder
G1 X260 Z1 E1.0 F1200 ; Slow wipeMy last line in my config.g is TO
My guess is that this is happening after you have already printed one file (so there is no tool selected) and that before it outputs your start gcode, s3d is sending a M104 command without selecting a tool first.
Unfortunately most slicers don't handle tools properly and typically assume that when doing a single material print, there is only one tool and it is always selected.
S3d allows you to configure the commands you use to set temperatures, so you can tell it to use G10 commands instead. Then in your start gcode you can use T0 followed by M116.
My guess is that this is happening after you have already printed one file (so there is no tool selected) and that before it outputs your start gcode, s3d is sending a M104 command without selecting a tool first.
Unfortunately most slicers don't handle tools properly and typically assume that when doing a single material print, there is only one tool and it is always selected.
S3d allows you to configure the commands you use to set temperatures, so you can tell it to use G10 commands instead. Then in your start gcode you can use T0 followed by M116.
This happens every time, first print of the day. when you say "tell it to use G10 commands instead", how do i tell it? Not that familiar with it.
Do you still get the message I you send T0 just before printing?
It would be helpful to see the first 30 or so lines of the gcode file, to see what s3d has inserted before your start gcode.
Will set up tonight and post
sorry it took so long. Here is what S3D is sending to printer:
; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R) Version 3.1.0
; Nov 27, 2016 at 1:23:02 PM
; Settings Summary
; processName,Process1
; applyToModels,connector 0612048,connector 06120482
; profileName,MakerGear M2 Dual (modified)
; profileVersion,2016-09-29 11:37:44
; baseProfile,
; printMaterial,PLA
; printQuality,Medium
; printExtruders,Left Extruder Only
; extruderName,Left Extruder
; extruderToolheadNumber,0
; extruderDiameter,0.35
; extruderAutoWidth,1
; extruderWidth,0.42
; extrusionMultiplier,0.98
; extruderUseRetract,1
; extruderRetractionDistance,4
; extruderExtraRestartDistance,0
; extruderRetractionZLift,0.2
; extruderRetractionSpeed,2400
; extruderUseCoasting,1
; extruderCoastingDistance,0.2
; extruderUseWipe,0
; extruderWipeDistance,5
; primaryExtruder,0
; layerHeight,0.2
; topSolidLayers,3
; bottomSolidLayers,3
; perimeterOutlines,1
; printPerimetersInsideOut,1
; startPointOption,2
; startPointOriginX,0
; startPointOriginY,0
; startPointOriginZ,300
; sequentialIslands,0
; spiralVaseMode,0
; firstLayerHeightPercentage,150
; firstLayerWidthPercentage,200
; firstLayerUnderspeed,0.5
; useRaft,0
; raftExtruder,0
; raftLayers,3
; raftOffset,3
; raftSeparationDistance,0.14
; raftInfill,85
; disableRaftBaseLayers,0
; useSkirt,1
; skirtExtruder,0
; skirtLayers,1
; skirtOutlines,2
; skirtOffset,4
; usePrimePillar,0
; primePillarExtruder,999
; primePillarWidth,12
; primePillarLocation,7
; primePillarSpeedMultiplier,1
; useOozeShield,0
; oozeShieldExtruder,999
; oozeShieldOffset,2
; oozeShieldOutlines,4
; oozeShieldSidewallShape,1
; oozeShieldSidewallAngle,30
; oozeShieldSpeedMultiplier,1
; infillExtruder,0
; internalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
; externalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
; infillPercentage,90
; outlineOverlapPercentage,20
; infillExtrusionWidthPercentage,100
; minInfillLength,2
; infillLayerInterval,1
; infillAngles,45,-45
; overlapInfillAngles,0
; generateSupport,1
; supportExtruder,0
; supportInfillPercentage,35
; supportExtraInflation,1.8
; denseSupportLayers,0
; denseSupportInfillPercentage,70
; supportLayerInterval,1
; supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.3
; supportUpperSeparationLayers,1
; supportLowerSeparationLayers,1
; supportType,0
; supportGridSpacing,4
; maxOverhangAngle,45
; supportAngles,0
; temperatureName,Right Extruder,Left Extruder,Heated Bed
; temperatureNumber,1,0,2
; temperatureSetpointCount,1,1,1
; temperatureSetpointLayers,1,1,1
; temperatureSetpointTemperatures,0,220,0
; temperatureStabilizeAtStartup,0,1,1
; temperatureHeatedBed,0,0,1
; temperatureRelayBetweenLayers,0,0,0
; temperatureRelayBetweenLoops,0,0,0
; fanLayers,1,1
; fanSpeeds,0,20
; blipFanToFullPower,1
; adjustSpeedForCooling,1
; minSpeedLayerTime,15
; minCoolingSpeedSlowdown,20
; increaseFanForCooling,0
; minFanLayerTime,45
; maxCoolingFanSpeed,100
; increaseFanForBridging,0
; bridgingFanSpeed,100
; use5D,1
; relativeEdistances,0
; allowEaxisZeroing,1
; independentExtruderAxes,0
; includeM10123,0
; stickySupport,1
; applyToolheadOffsets,0
; gcodeXoffset,0
; gcodeYoffset,0
; gcodeZoffset,0
; overrideMachineDefinition,1
; machineTypeOverride,0
; strokeXoverride,280
; strokeYoverride,304
; strokeZoverride,250
; originOffsetXoverride,0
; originOffsetYoverride,0
; originOffsetZoverride,0
; homeXdirOverride,-1
; homeYdirOverride,-1
; homeZdirOverride,-1
; flipXoverride,1
; flipYoverride,-1
; flipZoverride,1
; toolheadOffsets,0,0|31.1,0|0,0|0,0|0,0|0,0
; overrideFirmwareConfiguration,1
; firmwareTypeOverride,RepRap (Marlin/Repetier/Sprinter)
; GPXconfigOverride,r2
; baudRateOverride,115200
; overridePrinterModels,1
; printerModelsOverride,MakerGear_M2Dual.stl
; startingGcode,G21; Metric Values,T0,M116; wait for all temps,M561,,G28 ; home all axes,G32,G1 X0 Y50 Z0.3 F9600 ; Move forward to avoid binder clips,G1 X280 Z5 F3600 ; Move off platform,G1 Z1 ; Position nozzle above buildplate,G92 E0 ; Zero extruder,G1 E25 F225 ; Purge left extruder,G92 E0 ; Zero extruder,G1 X260 Z1 E1.0 F1200 ; Slow wipe,T0
; layerChangeGcode,
; retractionGcode,
; toolChangeGcode,
; endingGcode,M104 S0 ; turn off extruder,M140 S0 ; turn off bed,G28 X0 Y0;,Z5.0 F5.0; Lower Bed,M84 ; disable motors,
; exportFileFormat,gcode
; celebration,0
; celebrationSong,Random Song
; postProcessing,
; defaultSpeed,4800
; outlineUnderspeed,0.6
; solidInfillUnderspeed,0.8
; supportUnderspeed,0.8
; rapidXYspeed,9600
; rapidZspeed,500
; minBridgingArea,50
; bridgingExtraInflation,1
; bridgingExtrusionMultiplier,1
; bridgingSpeedMultiplier,1
; filamentDiameter,1.75
; filamentPricePerKg,46
; filamentDensity,1.25
; useMinPrintHeight,0
; minPrintHeight,0
; useMaxPrintHeight,0
; maxPrintHeight,0
; useDiaphragm,0
; diaphragmLayerInterval,20
; robustSlicing,1
; mergeAllIntoSolid,0
; onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutline,1
; retractBetweenLayers,1
; useRetractionMinTravel,0
; retractionMinTravel,3
; retractWhileWiping,0
; onlyWipeOutlines,1
; avoidCrossingOutline,0
; maxMovementDetourFactor,3
; toolChangeRetractionDistance,12
; toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.5
; toolChangeRetractionSpeed,600
; allowThinWallGapFill,1
; thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,10
; horizontalSizeCompensation,0
M106 S0
M140 S0
M104 S0 T1
M104 S220 T0
M109 S220 T0
G21; Metric Values
M116; wait for all temps
G28 ; home all axes
G1 X0 Y50 Z0.3 F9600 ; Move forward to avoid binder clips
G1 X280 Z5 F3600 ; Move off platform
G1 Z1 ; Position nozzle above buildplate
G92 E0 ; Zero extruder
G1 E25 F225 ; Purge left extruder
G92 E0 ; Zero extruder
G1 X260 Z1 E1.0 F1200 ; Slow wipe
G92 E0
G1 E-4.0000 F2400
G1 Z0.500 F500
; layer 1, Z = 0.3
; tool H0.300 W0.840
; skirt
G1 X128.819 Y134.216 F9600
G1 Z0.300 F500
G1 E0.0000 F720
G92 E0
G1 X129.051 Y134.120 E0.0257 F2400
G1 X135.332 Y134.120 E0.6707
G1 X136.486 Y132.966 E0.8383
G1 X136.718 Y132.870 E0.8640
G1 X154.782 Y132.870 E2.7187
G1 X155.014 Y132.966 E2.7445
G1 X157.534 Y135.486 E3.1104
G1 X157.630 Y135.718 E3.1362
G1 X157.630 Y151.282 E4.7342
G1 X157.534 Y151.514 E4.7599
G1 X155.630 Y153.418 E5.0364
G1 X155.630 Y168.432 E6.5780
G1 X155.534 Y168.664 E6.6037
G1 X153.014 Y171.184 E6.9697
G1 X152.782 Y171.280 E6.9954
G1 X129.051 Y171.280 E9.4320
G1 X128.819 Y171.184 E9. -
Thanks for the gcode. I will investigate this later this week.