Problem with Uploading config file to Duet Wifif
I am having an issue with uploading my config file to the duet wifi. I continuously get errors "uploaded file size is different (xxxx vs. expected xxx bytes)?
Please someone help me with this…..3 days now.....i'm running out of hair to pull out -
what files should be in the system editor? I only have config.bak or something like that
I am having an issue with uploading my config file to the duet wifi. I continuously get errors "uploaded file size is different (xxxx vs. expected xxx bytes)?
Please someone help me with this…..3 days now.....i'm running out of hair to pull outWhat version of firmware are you using?
What method are you using to upload the config file? Is it named config.g (all lower case) as you are trying to upload it?
1. Which versions of main firmware and wifi firmware are you running? Perhaps they are mismatched.
2. Maybe the SD card is corrupted? Put it in a PC and run a disk checking tool on it.
All the files in /sys should be visible in the system files editor.