Stepper Motors wired in series, but running in opposing directions?
soooo, I'm currently planning (with BIG emphasis on PLANNING) a 3D-Build with Duet (ALL 10 Drivers of a Duet+DueX5 are used, the Con_LCD header and some endstop-pins are reserved), on which the Y-Axis is going to be heavy. So I want to run two wired in series for it. Now, because of the mounting of the Motors, one of them has to run in OPPOSITE of the other. Is there a way to wire up two Motors in series, but running just like described?
Interesting! two motors in series from one driver will turn in opposite directions if the coils are swapped. (Its the same logic as turning the plug around to make the motor run the other way rather than switching it in firmware.
Interesting! two motors in series from one driver will turn in opposite directions if the coils are swapped. (Its the same logic as turning the plug around to make the motor run the other way rather than switching it in firmware.
Thanks! Guess my tests with the A4988s that I had laying around weren't really proper. Screwed up somewhere, DERP.
hmm should have worked with the A4988s!