Duet 3 3HC - Controlling an Electro magnet
Thought it best to post against this old post - rather than create a new one.
I'm trying to create a automatically deployable XYZ ball probe - as per attached picture.
At present it is working with a 50kg Magnet to hold it in place on the bed
To make it automatically deployable I am thinking of replacing this with an 18kg electro magnet - like this one
Controlled from a fan output, via one of these
Will then use a fairly powerful servo to swing the probe out when needed, and retract it back when not in use.
Any thoughts appreciated.
For further background info see my 'Sovol SV08 Multiple Motion System Upgrade' thread.
@dwuk i've used 24v electromagnets connected to heater outputs before without issue
@jay_s_uk Thanks - that was my initial thought too - but the post above from 'a former user' about inductive load issues worried me a bit.
I suppose with those Motor Driver boards I could probably even drive it from an IO.out pin too.
Will look further into the heater option before purchasing the driver boards.
@dwuk said in Duet 3 3HC - Controlling an Electro magnet to switch filament:
Thought it best to post against this old post - rather than create a new one.
Rather than necro-post, create a new thread but add a link to the old thread.
@dwuk said in Duet 3 3HC - Controlling an Electro magnet to switch filament:
Thanks - that was my initial thought too - but the post above from 'a former user' about inductive load issues worried me a bit.
The heater outputs on the 3HC have built-in flyback diodes to protect them when used with inductive loads.
@dc42 thanks for the confirmation - will go ahead without the motor driver boards then.
Ordered one of these
Doesn't look like it needs much power