I did something..
Hi, need som help to understand what I screwed up...
My printer is a direct drive and now when I resume from a pause it ejects ta big blob in two extruder pulses. Cant say if I did screw up in simplify 3D or in configuration.. Any suggestions to what controls this is appriciated..
Please check the content of resume.g. -
I did and from what I can see there is no error in it.Pause retracts -10 and resume prime with 10. but what happens is that when resume runs it does two prime cycles.
This is a bit strange because I have not changes any thing in these files.
I did a test and set resume to prime 5mm and that created no blobs and due to it priming two times it was totally fine results to the resume with no blobs.
I cant figure out why it does two primes on the resume.
@RogerL Looks like this may be the same issue I am facing
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/35544/resume-g-activating-twice-with-fw3-5/7no Idea what has caused it to double prime, and it doesn't seem consistent between versions either.
best bet at the moment is update to the latest firmware version and see if it persists. -
@RogerL Which frimware version and Duet hardware?
Please share your config.g and the results of M122 and M98 P"config.g"