From 1.18.1 to 1.20
It is normal to get a disconnection message when you send M997 S0. The firmware has to close the USB port in order to upgrade the firmware. About a minute later, you should be able to reconnect.
I did read that. But what do I have to do to get 1.20 to upgrade. It still shows 1.18.1 after M997 S0. Do I have to install both the firmware and server at the same time with M997 S0:1?
I did read that. But what do I have to do to get 1.20 to upgrade. It still shows 1.18.1 after M997 S0. Do I have to install both the firmware and server at the same time with M997 S0:1?
I'm a little confused by that. Your OP states that it's an Ethernet board.
Yes it is a Duet Ethernet board. Why do you ask? is there something I am missing?
the server is for the wifi boards
Also which Firmware file did you upload?
Oh, Got ya. I have 4 Duet Wifi's, must be habit. I still cant upgrade the board! It shows it is upgrading but the version doesn't change. Do I have to put the new firmware on the SD card with my PC instead of uploading it direct?
1. Try uploading the iap4e.bin file from the 1.19.2 release first.
2. If you have a Panel Due, connect it so that you can follow the status of the firmware update.
Oh, Got ya. I have 4 Duet Wifi's, must be habit.
As you've got into the habit of upgrading your WiFi boards, also double check that you've downloaded the Ethernet version of the firmware and not the WiFi version.
Update…. I have erased the board. It is connected to Bossa Program Port COM6. From the command line cd C:/Temp I have entered the "bossac.exe -e -u -v -b DuetEthernetFirmware.bin" which I have in my Temp folder. I get the error that no device found on COM6 even though the Device mgr shows that the board is connected to COM6.
All set guys…. I got it using SAM. Thank you for your input and Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year