IDEX Homing question
Simple question about homing with my IDEX setup. I will be testing out the IDEX part tonight. When it comes to homing, I know I can home X & Y at the same time in my Homeall.g file. Can I also home my U axis at the same time as the other 2 axis?
Right now I have this in my homeall.g file "G1 X-235 Y475 F3000 S1" So I would change it to "G1 X-235 Y475 U235 F3000 S1"?
I don't know too much about IDEX but you probably can. As long as the axis can physically move without interfering with anything else then I don't see any reason why not. The axes all need to be visible to move though (at east with the latest firmware) so if you use a P parameter in M584, you need to set it to make any hidden axes visible.
For info, I have this in my homeall.g. G1 X-380 U-380 Y-380 V-380 F4800 S1 which works just fine.
Yes, you can home XYU simultaneously. If you do fast homing followed by slow homing, then use the S2 parameter on the short move between the two G1 S1 moves, so that X doesn't get mapped to U even if tool 1 is active.
Thank you all,
Just to be clear, I should have my short move line read like this "G1 X5 Y5 U-5 F6000 S2"
G1 X-235 Y475 U235 F3000 S1 ; Rough Home
G1 X5 Y5 U-5 F6000 S2 ;Back Off
G1 X-235 Y475 U235 F600 S1 ;Fine Home -
Hi Ian,
I'm hoping to avoid all the "hidden/non-hidden" axis stuff with tool mapping.i guess I'll find out tonight.
Thanks -
Hi Ian,
I'm hoping to avoid all the "hidden/non-hidden" axis stuff with tool mapping.i guess I'll find out tonight.
ThanksHi Tim,
If you keep them all visible at all times (which is the default if you don't use a "P"), you won't have any issues (I think). I like to hide the U and V on my CoreXY because they are only used temporarily for homing so would otherwise just clutter up the interface, but an IDEX will of course be different.
Ian -
On a Cartesian IDEX machine it's not usual to hide any axes because the U axis is real - it's the second carriage.
That's what I figured.