IDEX Support
I'm begin to design a coreXY printer and this idea of IDEX is an huge improvement I thing and i would like to upgrade with this. Good luck, you are in the good way ! -
Cool idex on corexy? That's a first as far as I am aware!
I believe that dc42 came up with the idea of coreidexy on this forum, and harvested some ideas from the reprap forums. It is an idea that certainly has promise.
yes but the first implementation
I've just finished some preliminary work on Duet Web Control to support multiple axes. If you are using an IDEX configuration, you can try out my latest 1.13 beta 2 for Duet WiFi which is available here: More features are coming soon!
Oh man!
I've just finished some preliminary work on Duet Web Control to support multiple axes. If you are using an IDEX configuration, you can try out my latest 1.13 beta 2 for Duet WiFi which is available here: More features are coming soon!
Actually now i can't create Macros. I get an error saying could not update the file.
And i can't roll back. I uploaded the stable version and it asks if i want to install but it never does. How can i manually install the old version?
And i can't upload and print…...
To roll back, copy the version 1.12 DuetWiFiFirmware.bin file to /sys on the SD card (by moving the SD card to a PC temporarily if necessary), then run M997 S2.
Saw this awesomeness on Twitter, good Job. Following on from that conversation, I am not really up to speed on corexy however I am guessing you have you U axis Min and max at opposite ends from the X axis Min and max?
Oh Tony it's not corexy anymore. I converted to Cartesian in the end.
Ahh you never said! Whoops. In that case just chance your U axis to move in the same direction as the X axis and tell it that the U axis microswitch is a max not a Min.. the Wiki page example is a good starting point
Haha sorry!
Getting close. Need to sort purging and retractions a little.
Looking good! I am not bothering with a purge tower as the nozzles will be off the bed when not in use and I am working on how to handle purge and ooze. You have good alignment of the heads there, I will share my calibration file.for head alignment when I get a chance.
Well done for getting this far, and for posting the first video of an IDEX print on a Duet WiFi. Let me know if you find anything wrong in the IDEX firmware support in 1.16 beta 5.
So far so good. Only issues I've had have been caused by lack of experience on my part.
I've got a Sigma so I suppose that has helped a little knowing how it all works with multi colour prints using separate heads etc and setting up S3D correctly.
Thanks for the great firmware, it's very much appreciated. Looking forward to the Duex5 next!
Sorry to bring a thread back from the dead but I am trying to get the mirror prints working.
My current tool definition looks like this from config.g
; Define Tool 3
M563 P3 D0:1 H1:2 X0:3 F0:1 ; tool 3 uses both extruders and hot end heaters and maps X to both X and U
G10 P3 X0 Y0 U0 S0 R0 ; set tool offsets and temperatures
M567 P3 E1:1 ; set mix ratio 100% on both extruders
M568 P3 S1 ; turn on mixing for tool 3Any my tpost3.g like this:
G28 X Y U ; Home X and U axis
M569 P3 S0 ; Reverse U axis motor direction
G92 U-42.50 ; Set U axis to 0
M208 X140 U170 ; Set axis maximum to about 50% of normal value
M116 P3
M83 ; relative extruder movement
M567 P2 E1:1 ; set tool mix ratio
M568 P2 S1 ; turn on mixing
G1 E10 F3600 ; extrude 2mm from both extrudersI keep getting trying to extrude with no tool selected errors? Any help is appreciated!