Analog switch controlling Extraktion before printing
I want an analog old fashion switch to run my extruder.
The printer is set up so that an 1XD is connected to the extruder.
There is longer than I can reach to a computer so it would be practical with a analog switch triggering the 1XDSorry I have seen something similar but can't find it....
I would want to be able to turn a switch when not running a print and just run the extruder un till I turn of the switch or start a print.
Is there an easy way?
I was thinking of making a code like this with a Config
M950 J16 C"^" ; create input pin 1XD board at CAN address 70 for manually extrude ^ Set resistor
; New triggers 2023-05-09
M581 T14 P17 S0 ; invoke trigger 14, for P17 input pin. Where P17 is equal to J17 for 1XD board at CAN address 70Trigger14 (Schematic)
while (not printing and not bussy with extortion)
G1 E100 F2000Would this be the easy way to do it?
@Schickfus you will need to select the tool that has that extruder before you can extrude.