Measurements - significant digits
When I determine z offset for a nozzle, I get three digits behind the period (0.001) in the popup window and the console. When the z offset is saved to config-override.g it is rounded to two digits behind the decimal point.
If I was to manually enter three digits past the decimal point in config-override.g, does that level of precision get carried over to the general operation? Is the z position in DWC using only the two digits after the decimal place it shows or does it use three digits internally?
A related question - Is it reasonable to expect to be able to print at a layer height of 0.05mm (with a Jubilee printer) or is that an unrealistic expectation? Note that I am not asking if it makes sense to print at 0.05 mm layer height - I realize that it probably doesn't make sense. Think of it as trying to push the boundaries just like people make a challenge of printing the fastest benchy they can.
If I print with a 0.1 mm nozzle then the suggested layer height would be 0.05mm. If my z offset is only using two digits of precision after the decimal place then getting a correct first layer might be a bit of an issue if the steps of the offset are 0.01 mm.
Utimaker suggests that the minimum layer height for their printers is 0.02 mm -
@jens55 a friend of mine went down to 0.04 on a heavily modded Ender 3. I dont see why a Jubilee should not be able to do that as well.
@jens55 said in Measurements - significant digits:
If I was to manually enter three digits past the decimal point in config-override.g, does that level of precision get carried over to the general operation?
I will change it to save the Z offset to three decimal places in RRF 3.5beta2.
@dc42, cool, thanks !