M84 or not?
Hi, Is it good practice (or not) to end macros that involve axis movements with an M84 command?
If you do then the next macro/program that runs will have to nun M28 to home all axis'.
If you don't then you can often hear the motors producing some 'noise'.
As I am testing my new printer with a whole raft of macros for testing the motors, mash bed, z-trigger etc. etc. I seem to be constantly running the home all routines over and over again.
Is this ok or not? -
@handyandy we don't advise using M18 or M84, except possibly at the end of a long print if the printer will likely be unattended. All Duets have software-settable motor current, and by default the motor currents will be reduced to the idle current (typically 30% of the normal current) 30 seconds after all movement has stopped.