DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@oliof As for the high temperature messages they are absolutely false because I have checked the temperatures AND the temperatures are at room temperature then there is another factor to consider it cannot give me high temperature when I put it to zero but the drivers So there is a very basic mistake The fact is that the engineer does not make himself heard leaves me a lot to think and I repeat I have an experience of 29 years on electronics and IT
@oliof the cost is not important but it would affect a maximum of 3% so what are we talking about building an expansion That is truly exceptional but then you get lost in a glass of water or rather in a drop of water because by installing an external chip you create interference problems and the masses are not reliable So in all this I find myself now not only with these problems there are other problems that I do not want to lick because the biggest problem is me this now is all this to solve a problem of loss of pace and when the engineer seems to me he does not make himself heard and it seems to me he is not interested I do not know other people What they do with this electronics but I have invested ten thousand dollars and allow me I am very annoyed and then we do not make a question of price because we are talking of € 0.30 in assembly stages at that point instead of charging $ 150 I would also pay $ 170 but at least I have a truly complete product and I have no problems
@paolozampini1973 it is not about component cost, and with 30 years of engineering experience you know that very well. Don't forget I am volunteering my time here and I am only willing to accept a modicum of abuse before I spend my personal free time elsewhere. So please, let's focus on the things that can be done instead of those that could have been done -- unless all you want to do is air your grievances, but then I will step out of the way. It is your choice.
@oliof then on the documentation it is written I recommend we put the power cable no more than 100 cm and then you say no to solve this problem we add it is an external chip but how do you say that it takes a properly shielded cable for external signals and then we do this nonsense but now Tell me is it really I'm saying bullshit It doesn't seem to me that this problem is completely logical and I repeat another time I would like to talk to the engineer and I repeat another time I have been in electronics for 29 years and I have done great works I can't name companies but they are well known to the world anyway, so I don't know the latest and I also know something about programming
@paolozampini1973 You don't even leave people 10 minutes to compose a reply before you repeat your accusations, that does not make for a good Saturday afternoon experience. I wish you the best of success with your project, but my volunteering time here has come to an end.
@oliof Yes sorry I don't have it you can because Aida is not facing you and that I'd like to talk to the engineer and I'm sorry about my tone but it doesn't seem to me that I'm saying a stupid thing now I have to solve the problem I have a investment ten thousand dollars Stop because I had only and only the problem of losing the pitch That's why I upgraded to the new version of the expansion
@paolozampini1973 if the drivers you need to use must have 5V signalling, you should use the Duet Expansion Breakout Board, which has the level converters built in. See https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_2_family/Duet_Expansion_Breakout_Board
If you must have the expansion the DueX supplies as well, you can run both at the same time, using a ribbon cable that has an extra connector on it.
@oliof Anyway thanks for your interest what do you think you can do to solve the problem of losing pace and above all Anyway, the upgrade from 0.11 still has too many problems I don't even want to talk because I haven't solved the problem anyway and now six problems of which 4 more serious plus 2 less serious than before I did not have alone and only the loss of pace nothing more everything worked
@droftarts yes Thanks for the advice but I think that you have not followed all the past problems I 8 motors to manage including X and Y are connected via a dm860h is a printer that you need to be able to do some printing peculiarities and therefore I already have the expansion 0.8 and 0.11i upgraded with 011 for wheelbase problem because engineers told me 08 was not designed for external drives ok i bought 0:11 but now i have more problems than before
@droftarts problem is that I having the external drivers dm860h worked all alone that I have problem of loss of pitch when it goes to make a type of seams This obviously if the air if it is not powered at 5 volts It is natural that it creates such problems but now the problem I how I solve it by putting a 74hc and making a connection that honestly is not a correct thing because in any case create interference or that I do I have a printed circuit created because then we must also consider having good masses because if you do not create some interference
@droftarts what I ask at least to speak with the engineer or with a person who knows how to answer me because I have been going on with this problem for 20 days and you do not give answers and you run away from the problem you have to solve it otherwise every time in the end yes it just spends some time and in any case I repeat there are problems to solve I don't know if anyone is interested but I would like to talk to the engineer which I cannot speak
and I repeat before I had only one problem and it wasn't even serious now I have 6 problems I would be willing to throw away ten thousand dollars but I want to talk to the engineer or someone who solves the problem and not find some sticky wires I like work the professional way i am very annoyed after 20 days i think it would be anyone -
@paolozampini1973 surprisingly, I’ve read all your posts, and the ones in the other thread. You need 5V signalling. You need voltage level shifters. There’s no others way. The eBoB board has them on it, never had any complaints about interference.
@droftarts But how do I insert the expansion you tell me when I already have an expansion I have 8 engines to manage the expansion you sent me I cannot connect it where I connect it I already have two ex 0.11 +0.8
@droftarts https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_2_family/Duet_Expansion_Breakout_Board
if I connect this expansion I can no longer connect the duex 5 0.11 or 0.8 if there is another way tell me I have to manage 8 nema 17 -
@droftarts In the meantime I want to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me attention but what I want to say are you still here we can talk about this problem because I still have 5 problems to solve with the upgrade and I repeat The project is an investment the ten thousand dollars we are talking about a printer that all the pieces are made with the numerical control machine a CNC is a Custom The project is 100% designed by me I offer money to those who will solve the problem but in a professional way and not by connecting flying wires
it is easy to give functions like this without knowing why it is for how it seems to me that you use it here as a pastime But I want to talk to the engineer Someone can tell me how to talk to the engineer
@paolozampini1973 sorry, but your other problems are lost in the noise of all your posts. I’m trying to help you solve the first problem. You can connect DueX and eBOB using a ribbon cable with an extra centre connector, as I said in my first post. One of our OEMs uses this setup. You will have to find a suitable cable yourself.
For your other issues, supply some information. For the driver errors, it sounds like you disabled the drivers, but the board is still being recognised as a DueX5. It should be recognised as a DueX2 to ignore the other three drivers.
@droftarts said in DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11:
e DueX5.
But if I enable duet2 but the other engines where I connect them I do Tell me That is, let me understand what we are talking about the other three engines I where I make them work Explain to me That is, but you realize that I have bought an upgrade and instead for me it is a dungreed you understand that I have all these problems I did not have it before Sorry maybe you missed something on the way that is what you are recommending to me is a downgrade No an upgradethere is all this mess and it happens due to a negligence of the project on the duex 5 v0.11 expansion I repeat I have 8 nema 17 the problem that the advice you are giving me is a downgrade because I with the version 08 all these problems I did not have it Now you are talking about due to a negligence of the engineer I have to pay the consequences but we're kidding Look I'm willing to pay you I want to talk to the engineer and not find the scouts Dash
@droftarts if the engineer was a responsible person he would have intervened I have been talking about the usual problem for 20 days and it seems to me that the engineer has intervened only once giving a solution but without first understanding what the problem really was and it is not that I can still be clingy the wires that now I have 6 problems to solve with the new version is that old version I had a problem that was not even that serious but you understand what we are talking about if you really want to help me you know how to contact the engineer OK and I have to solve this problem if there the engineer wants and there is a serious person he knows how to solve problems if he is responsible at least for humanity
@droftarts Listen to these tips they are not the solution I repeat you are talking to a person who has 29 years of experience and can teach a lot but with this it is not that I want to praise myself If you really want to give me to solve the problem contact the engineer I have to talk to electronic technical level I am not the last to arrive in the lineup