Duex5 Testers
Please add me to the list as well.
Thank you.
Add me to the list please. what is the time frame on shipping assuming initial testing goes well?
We will be emailing all those who have expressed interest in the next couple of days (before the end of Tuesday 18 Oct) to let you know the cost and planned delivery schedule. Also you will need to confirm your details so we can raise PayPal invoices.
For those who have expressed interest through the forum only, I will use your forum email address so please check this one if it's not your primary address.
I'll take one if you have any spare. I will use it to test out IDEX on my surrender build.
I will buy one.
Sign me up.
Should i have heard anything yet ?
The email is sitting in my draft folder just waiting to confirm one more detail and it will go out. Hopefully this morning
UPDATE 2: I have emailed those who expressed interest. If you don't have the email then let me know (info@duet3d.com).
If I'm not too late I'd love to get in on the fun!
I didnt get it Tony…? (no email)
UPDATE 3: I have received a lot of emails, thank you all for your responses, I have not had time to email back to you all individualy yet. I will collate the list this afternoon and email an update then.
Please count me in as well.
UPDATE 4: Thanks for everyone who has now responded. We will start sending out the paypal invoices today but as there is a lot going on we might not get them all out for a couple of days.
When you receive yours please pay promptly as we do have a reserve list.
Is there still room to get on the list?
@Qanelin - I am running a reserve list in case anyone changes their mind
I would like to be added then (as long it is ok being in the US). I recently purchased the DuetWifi and my printer has the diamond hotend so I need 3 extruder capabilities.
Did you send out the Paypal invoices yet? I haven't received it yet but I did get the email saying I was one of the ones selected.I'm really looking forward to getting a hold of the new board, lots of plans for it.
We are always ready to test things out!
For anyone that's interested, I've designed an enclosure that will take the Duet Wifi plus Duex expansion board and put it on Thingiverse. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1859048
It takes the two boards but with them mounted one above the other, as if they were mounted back to back and joined at the Vin connector but then opened out like a book. It takes two 80mm fans internally to blow air on to the back of the boards and exhaust through slots top and bottom. I included the OpenScad file so feel free to play around with it. Warning - it's 290mm x 140mm so you'll need a biggish build plate.
Edit. If you mount the boards this way, you might need a longer ribbon cable and with a twist in it.