3.4 RC1 M301 PID values are not taken on bed heaters 2 and 3
After installing 3.4RC1 the issue with manual PID values on bed heaters 2&3 is back. This problem was fixed in 3.3beta7+3 or 4. Not sure where in the code the issue is coming from. The end state is that the bed heaters do not have correct PID values and will not turn on.
undefined Phaedrux marked this topic as a question
The mystery continues. Upon further investigation I have found that if I try running heater tuning (M303) the "bed heater" turns on and then rapidly turns back off.
The object model looks like this:
If I revert back to RepRap V3.3 everything works normally.
Here is the configuration in question:
; ---------------------- Closed Loop Flow control ---------------------- ; Hot Air Pump M308 S10 P"e5_temp" Y"linear-analog" A"HotPump" F1 B0 C100 ; Set Mass Flow Controller M950 H5 C"!fan0" Q20000 T10 ; Configure pump as heater M140 P1 H5 ; Configure flow control as bed heater M307 H5 B0 ; Turn off bang-bang M140 P1 S-273.15 ; Ensure pump is off M143 H5 S100 A1 ; Set maximum flow rate M570 H5 P5 T5 S0 ; Set heater fault parameters to cancel print instantly ;Cold Air Pump M308 S11 P"e6_temp" Y"linear-analog" A"ColdPump" F1 B0 C100 ; Set Mass Flow Controller M950 H6 C"!fan1" Q20000 T11 ; Configure pump as heater M140 P2 H6 ; Configure flow control as bed heater M307 H6 B0 ; Turn off bang-bang M140 P2 S-273.15 ; Ensure pump is off M143 H6 S100 A1 ; Set maximum flow rate
@tknque you said you were using M301 to override PID parameters and the object model appears to confirm that; but I don't see any M301 commands in the config file snippet you posted.
The M301's are in config-override:
; Heater model parameters M307 H0 R0.356 C720.900:720.900 D1.10 S1.00 V24.2 B0 I0 M307 H2 R27.989 C33.988:33.988 D0.51 S0.80 V24.2 B0 I0 M307 H3 R3.786 C199.451:199.451 D4.01 S1.00 V24.1 B0 I0 M307 H4 R3.650 C231.039:231.039 D4.62 S1.00 V24.2 B0 I0 M307 H5 R0.486 C700.000:700.000 D10.00 S1.00 V0.0 B0 I0 M301 H5 P0.1 I9.000 D0.0 M307 H6 R0.486 C700.000:700.000 D10.00 S1.00 V0.0 B0 I0 M301 H6 P0.1 I9.000 D0.0
@tknque please post your complete config.g and config-override.g files (and any macros files that they call) so that I can reproduce your setup.
@dc42 I sent you an email with the full configuration.
Something to note is if the bed heaters 2&3 are switched to chamber heaters this issue does not occur.
@tknque thanks, received.
@tknque this has now been fixed. Preview builds including the fix for some boards are available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2dt7sbqpx6l74np/AADn4-lpcil1iqnWKkiVri3Ia?dl=0.
@dc42 Thank you for the quick fix! Testing the new version right now. It appears to be functional but interestingly enough the PID values need to change slightly for it to function appropriately. Did something change in way those PID values are used?
@tknque no, the way that PID constants provided via M301 are used should not have changed.