M408 Response sequence number
Hi there,
I'm playing with M408 on my usb/serial port. I'm wondering how to use the Rnnn parameters and how to get the seq & req json attributes.
As far as I tried, I can't get any of these when I do M408 S3 Rnnn (I've tried 000, 999 and several random values for nnn) -
Start with zero. If there is a new response, any response with that number or higher will be returned in the response, along with its sequence number
Can you provide a working example please ?
M408 S3 R0 => no seq/req
M122 => does ouput stuff
M408 S3 R0 => still no seq/req -
The R parameter only applies to M408 S0 and M408 S1.
how can I use it ?
[[language]] SENDING:M408 S0 R0 {"status":"I","heaters":[21.9,21.7],"active":[0.0,0.0],"standby":[0.0,0.0],"hstat":[0,2],"pos":[0.000,0.000,382.468],"sfactor":100.00,"efactor":[100.00],"babystep":-0.100,"tool":0,"probe":"0","fanPercent":[0.00,100.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00],"fanRPM":0,"homed":[0,0,0],"msgBox.mode":-1}
[[language]] SENDING:M408 S0 R1 {"status":"I","heaters":[21.9,21.7],"active":[0.0,0.0],"standby":[0.0,0.0],"hstat":[0,2],"pos":[0.000,0.000,382.468],"sfactor":100.00,"efactor":[100.00],"babystep":-0.100,"tool":0,"probe":"0","fanPercent":[0.00,100.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00],"fanRPM":0,"homed":[0,0,0],"msgBox.mode":-1,"seq":0,"resp":""}
Take a look here (same question):
https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?id=319#p3064Could be interesting for you. I had the same problem.
On the WebUI it will not be functional.Here is an example of my Monitor on the UART lines:
M408 S0 R0\n
M408 S0 R0\n
{"status":"I",.....,"msgBox.mode":-1,"seq":1,"resp":"FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.19.2 ELECTRONICS: Duet 0.85 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-09-01"}\nbecause you now received sequence-number: 1, the next M408 is:
M408 S0 R1\nand so on. Everytime you receive a new sequence-number, you will use it in the next M408 command.
Hope it helps.Andre
I don't think the R parameter will work on the USB port, and it isn't needed anyway because responses are sent directly to that port.
ok, thanks to you both for your answers.
I'm still working on my http2usb proxy to get rid of the WIFI/webserver stack, is it possible to configure the USB port so that it acts as the paneldue serial port ? I'd rather use the usb port as I think I can use higher speed rate.
Otherwise I'll implement the seq/resp attributes in my proxy.
how is the seq attribute increased ? 1 by 1 ? (looking at the http communications, it doesn't seem to)
is seq max value really UINT32_MAX ?
What's the behavior when the seq counter overflows ? (looking at https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetWebControl/blob/742fa9138ff4fb32be068b1172535678c1d85fa5/core/js/comm.js#L568 it doesn't matter)