Missing Log Entries
This is a screen shot of a print currently running.
On each layer, the GCode file logs the layer number and Z position using M118. As you can see, many of these entries are missing.
You can see on Layer 155 it also copies a few files. The same thing happened on layer 140, yet the log entry is missing. From what I can see, the file copies did, in fact, occur, so the print is fine. But the log seems to be spotty.
Not a major big deal, but is there a known problem with logging? RRF firmware latest stable version (3.3).
Which Duet board? Can you share a M122 from during a print that misses?
@donstauffer are you writing these to a log file on the SD card as well? if so are they missing from that?
@phaedrux Duet 2 WiFi. I'll keep my eyes open for another. I hadn't noticed it before, so I'm not sure what was different during that print.
@t3p3tony I was only doing M118, which usually shows on the web interface.