Machine coordinates, possibilities to set it up (G53 to G59.3)
Re: [Toolchanger: Coordinate systems](Z-Probe Offset XY)
Has anyone a solution to my previous thread?
Youre help would be much appreciated.
@chuckonelli which thread would that be?
RRF supports G53 to G59.3. It also supports a mechanism for defining tool offsets. See
@chuckonelli I assume you mean this thread:
to achieve what you want you can set your Z probe offsets (using G31 X, Y,Z co prdinates as you need)
Set your tool offsets using G10, one per tool within your tpreN.g files you will be working with the co-ordinate system with no tool offsets applied. In the tpostN.g files and tpreN.g files use G53 to define the co-ordinates without the tool offsets applied as well:
G53 G1 Xnn Ynn
@t3p3tony Yes right, that's the one I was referring to, thank you for your answer.
My main goal is basically:
My main coordinate system (G53) is in the middle of the kinematic coupling of the bed. Therefore I set ''offset'' values of the X- and Y-Endstop accordingly:
For the X-Endstop position approx:
For the Y-Endstop position approx:
I would assume that the Z-Direction isn't relevant in this stage (because of the Z-Endstop of the toolhead)
For the Probing of the bed I want to ''activate'' the 2nd coordinate system with the Z-Probe offsets activated and set the offset of the probe relative to the main coordinate system (G53)
My normal use case should look like this:
- Homing of the XY-Axis -> Sets the origin of the machine (XY-values)
- Homing of the Z-Axis -> Sets the origin of the machine (z-value)
-> G53 main coordinate system is set
True bed leveling (G32):
- Activate Z-Probe offset -> As you wrote set by G31 X Y Z (X and Y according to my drawing, and Z zero because same value as used for inital homing)
- Execution of bed leveling sequence
- Execution of correction (independent z motors are correction the tilt)
- Re-activating the Z-Probe offset
Picking up tools:
- G53 X Y position of tooldock (for example tooldock 1) -> Tpre and Tpost definition
- G53 X Y picking up tool
- Tool picked up -> Tooloffset gets activated (in this example of Tool 1) -> Defined by configuration G10 T1 XY-Values relative to G53 and so on
Do I understand this right?