Crazy flying extruder idea #92
It's all about mass and detent torque in motors. If carriages fall consider a good quality metal key chain retractor from top of frame to either effector or wiring bundle which helps guide the wiring into a nice loop above the effector.
I have servos which engage pinion gears at the top after the print is done via a custom gcode command – it inserts a break under the carriage, so they won't fall down. I have 400 step steppers, sufficient torque to move the effector rapidly with no issues, and v-wheels, there is no play in the carriage wheels, they move very smoothly -- and they will fall, not fast, but they will fall. The effector mass isn't a lot, but not insignificant, I have a volcano hotened with an aluminum effector, and 3 40mm fans (1 for the heatsink, 2 for part cooling) as well as piezo mount + a Y coupler near the effector -- all contributing to the mass. The carriages themselves are also aluminum, so they're mass is not insignificant. I solved the effector falling issue at the outset of the build using servos. It works very well, start gcode enables the steppers, disanges the breaks, and proceeds with homing. End gcode homes the printer -- waits a beat, engages the servo breaks and disables the steppers. Similar behavior is incorporated in cancel print function.
…engages a pinion to effectively apply brakes to carriages...? Sounds pretty trick and cool! Mind to attach some photos to show off this neat design? Looking forward to seeing it.
Have a nice day to all!
FYI I've just started extending the delta support to allow up to 6 towers, all with different "rod" lengths.