CONSTANT AJAX disconnect errors
Just a note, to anyone who is questioning whether their signal strength is sufficient, here is a great article I found:
Notice the chart at the end that gives general guidelines for required signal strength.
Currently I cannot connect at all anymore via web. Ive tried clearing cache, safari and chrome, rebooted the printer 3 times, cycled the wifi on/off.
Consol says it connects to my network and lists assigned ip, but unable to connect.Edit : connected after about 20min of throwing things at it
Via USB my M122 network is :
Network state is running
WiFi module is connected to access point
WiFi firmware version 1.19.2
WiFi MAC address 5c:cf:7f:a4:a1:64
WiFi Vcc 3.13, reset reason Turned on by main processor
WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 39944
WiFi IP address
WiFi signal strength -33dBm
Reconnections 0
HTTP sessions: 0 of 8
Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0) -
Ok, after a few more nights of testing, I can confidently say the following:
1. It will stay connected forever at idle.
2. It seems to stay connected forever running G32 commands, and other manual control commands
3. Within minutes of starting a new print, it disconnects. EVERY SINGLE TIME. The same AJAX error every time.
4. After approximately 30-60 mins, it can be reconnected fine and will stay connected forever or until I start a new print.I am still on 1.19.2, but may downgrade as this is really annoying.
Is the "Error reason:" given in the Ajax disconnect message Timeout, or something else?
Is the "Error reason:" given in the Ajax disconnect message Timeout, or something else?
Sorry, I should have included that. Yes, I believe that is the error message. It’s the same message every time.
my Ajax error is the same, doesn't say what the cause is whether timeout or other.
Just states "an AJAX error has been reported, so the current session has been terminated. Please check if your printer is still on and try to connect again "
I also disconnect every print but mine do not reconnect.
I'm just commissioning a second DuetWifi delta, it has :
Firmware Version: 1.18.1 (2017-04-09)
WiFi Server Version: 1.03 (ch fork)
Web Interface Version: 1.15aAnd if I force a disconnect, the warning message has at the bottom "Reason: Timeout". This bottom line is not present at all in the 19.2 firmware disconnects issue. Cannot print yet so unable to tell if the issue is board related or wifi network.
Comissioned my 2nd duet wifi printer.
Board came with 1.18.1 firmware. No disconnects when printing. Although only did few prints, 10 min long or so.Upgraded to 1.19.2, disconnected a coulee min into my first print. Ajax error message again has no line on the bottom stating reason.
So i have 2 new Duet wifi's, both disconnect from my Asus RT-AC3100 wifi network on every print.
The chances its a "bad board" or slim as it happens on both boards.
The chances its my network settings are low as Ive set everything to set channel, etc, and it works on 1.18 without disconnects.There is something in 1.19 that just makes it appear to timeout
I've never downgraded a Duet. Is it the same process as the update from 1.18 to 1.19.2 was, but in reverse?
I really wish there was some way I could reproduce the problem you are experiencing. AFAIK you are the only user who finds 1.19.2 less reliable than 1.18.
Downgrading to 1.18 you will need to do a simultaneous install of both DuetWiFiFirmware and DuetWiFiServer. If the board was shipped with 1.19 firmware originally then you will also need to install DuetWiFiFirmware.bin on the WiFi module.
Then you will need to follow the connection instructions for 1.18 and earlier.
i also find 1.19.2 less reliable than 1.8 with regard to the wireless/ajax issue. (sorry I'm not really helping with the debugging at the moment, house for sell, can't use my printer as often as I wish)
Thanks David.
My board was shipped with 1.18.
I understand that network issues are near impossible to replicate. I wish there was more detailed log info or something I could get to you. I am able to force a reconnect via USB with M552 S-1/S1
The real frustration comes when doing calibration prints and etc. It disconnects so quickly I can't make any adjustments easily; baby stepping, extrusion, temp etc to do on-the-fly adjustments. That, and every time I want to start a new test print I have to go through the reconnect process every time.
I feel pretty confident my network is not the issue, but I have been toying with the idea of upgrading my router and other network equipment, so maybe I will do that now just in case. I've also considered taking on my my extra routers and setting up a clean dummy network to test.
David, is there any possible advantage in doing a "clean" install of 1.19.2. Meaning, could/should I format the SD card and do a completely clean install of everything, and then just paste in my config values as needed?
Thanks David.
David, is there any possible advantage in doing a "clean" install of 1.19.2. Meaning, could/should I format the SD card and do a completely clean install of everything, and then just paste in my config values as needed?My thoughts also.
I'm also not happy with 1.19 in regards to 1.18.
All the additions are awesome, and I always use volumetric extrusion and other features not in 1.18. But if i have no method of connecting to the system the features it has are a moot point. -
I Did have an issue to start with which was almost instant disconnects I fitted an AP Extender and got round it but then when I moved the printer back to it rightful location the issue re-appeared turns out my WiFi AP Credentials for the original AP was corrupt deleting them and re-applying fixed the problem not saying it will fix you issues but may be worth a try?
FWIW I am using a netgear WiFi router (D6400)
Sorry Dougal,
I am not following what you are suggesting? Are you saying the credentials saved to the DUET for connecting to your AP were bad?
yes indeed
Thanks, I will certainly try that. It won't hurt anything and if it resolves this issue, Ill be ecstatic!
Use the M588 to remove it from the list first before trying to re-instate it
I didn't have much time last night, but I tested your idea Dougal. Nope
I didn't think it would TBH your symptoms are different to what mine were but it was worth a try.
Yeah, I wasn't holding much hope, but it was easy enough to give it a shot! Thanks