Errors while building RRF 3.4beta3
@dc42 : What i did is, I clicked on each project e.g. CANlib, checked its properties and aligned as per your screen shot. likewise i did for all the Projects. I even deleted everything and re-imported and assigned properties. Also set the right build configurations again. Any other setting? Should i include PATH variable anywhere in settings? Or any other thing to include in PATH?
Also how does it say finished building by invoking arm-non-eabi-g++ and yet throw error about GCC path and G++ path not found?
@jayt : And when i run build-all , it gets stuck after takes a lot of time. it wasn't taking so much time, untill i reimported the projects.
@jayt the only thing you need to include in your windows path is the path to the Gnu Arm Eclipse folder, so that Eclipse can find make.exe. Looks like that bit is working.
My guess is that the "g++ not found" error is because you are trying to build DuetWiFiSocketServer or one of its dependent projects and you haven't set up the path to the Tensilica version of gcc. But you don't need to build that project.
@dc42 :
After iterating whole process again, I now receive following type of error ( that says on element: makefile, in folder RepRapfirmware/Duet3_debug, line 110):
Any idea what am I missing?
Also I remove duetwifisocket from RepRapfirmware-> build list
@jayt it looks like just the post build step failed. There is probably a more detailed message in the Console tab.
@dc42 :
CRC32appender not found - is the error. I changed the path as stated in the thread: "Can't build RRF 3.3"I have restarted "Build all". But do I have to run "Build ALL" always ? and I feel its slower than the last time i tried build.
Shall confirm if the build completes by next reply.
@dc42 :
I receive following error on CRC32appender not found when invoked by some scripts sh.
my user Path variable includes this path:
"C:\Users\User3D\eclipse-workspace\Firmware\RepRapFirmware\Tools\crc32appender\win-x86_64"What else shall i do to fix this ?
@jayt : This issue is now resolved.
I used the suggestion from the thread:
Placed crc32appender in the GNU arm.... tools\bin folder.
this worked!
(Somehow, eclipse is not able to fetch it from $PATH- based settings.)@dc42 @jay_s_uk : thank you for the suggestions & help.
can you tell me if any settings needed to build only reprap folder instead of building all projects again, if we change only one project file ? -
@jayt you can build just the RRF project if the other projects do not change.
@dc42 ok great.
Thanks. you can close the thread as resolved.