Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s)
@davidewen said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
"Could not connect to COM4 at baud rate (tried 9600 & 11500): PermisionError(13, 'Access is denied.' None,5)
"Could not connect to COM4 at baud rate (tried 9600 & 11500): PermisionError(13, 'Access is denied.' None,5)
Error 13 is exactly what the message says. Your process does not have permission to access the port. Usually fixed by running whatever tool in administrative mode.
Well if running as admin doesn't work setting up the pi isn't really too time consuming. Download and file copy take the most time. Other than that it's just plugging the hardware in.
Ok. Running Pronterface as admin allowed me to connect. YAT still does not work even with admin privileges.
I can not get Wi-Fi to work.
Here's the output from PronterfaceConnecting... Printer is now online. >>> M115 SENDING:M115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.3 ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 Mini5plus WiFi FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-06-15 21:46:20 >>> M552 SENDING:M552 WiFi module is disabled >>> M552 S0 SENDING:M552 S0 WiFi module started >>> M552 SENDING:M552 WiFi module is idle >>> M587 S"----" P"----" SENDING:M587 S"----" P"----" Error: M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list: SPI timeout Error: M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list: SPI timeout
Please try sending M997 S1 to reflash the wifi module firmware and then see what happens when you try to connect to a wifi network.
That did the trick.
Thanks for your help. -
undefined Phaedrux marked this topic as a question
undefined Phaedrux has marked this topic as solved
Glad we got it going.
I'm just reporting that after less than 30 days of use, this board no longer works. This is board #2 with defects. Board #1 had Driver 3 go bad. Board #2 just won't connect. So I partially disassembled my printer in order to connect a USB cable and attempt the above procedures. This time it is not recognized by either macOS or Windows as even being plugged in. It did not show up in System Info (macOS) or Device Manager (Windows).
I'm not going to spend anymore of my time on this forum attempting to trouble shoot Duet's poor quality issues.
The board was purchased through Filastruder. I'm expecting them and Duet to step up to the plate and provide quality service and take care of the issue.
Sorry to hear you've had some trouble with your replacement board. When you say it no longer works, what exactly works or doesn't work?
Thanks for you concern.
It just won't connect in any way.
Wi-Fi doesn't connect nor via usb on Windows or Mac.
I've attempted multiple resets because eventually that is how I got it to connect via usb when I 1st got this board. -
undefined dc42 has marked this topic as unsolved
Does the blue LED on the wifi module illuminate at all when powered on?
What LEDs are lit on the board itself?
Do any of the components get hot to the touch after being powered for a short time?
It's quite unusual for a board to go completely dead like that. Let alone have troubles two in a row. I understand that you've gone through some trouble getting it to work previously along with getting the replacement working, so I understand if you don't wish to go through any more hoops. So if you don't wish to go through any more trouble shooting and would prefer a warranty replacement that is an option, though it would still help to understand what has failed.
I don't mind helping you understand what went wrong.
Here's the status of each LED (see photo)
NOTE: the STATUS LED is flashing red slowly.This is connected via USB to my mac mini M1, but not recognized by macOS
I have also attempted to connect it to a MacBook Pro 2017 and on both machines via Parallels to a Windows 11 and Windows 10 virtual machine. Win11 on mac mini, Windows 10 on MB Pro.
There is no recognition of the board on any machine.
The status light flashing indicates the firmware has been wiped.
With the previous board I think you had gotten it to show up on the Mac with bootcamp? I suppose that isn't working this time?
@phaedrux said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
The status light flashing indicates the firmware has been wiped.
With the previous board I think you had gotten it to show up on the Mac with bootcamp? I suppose that isn't working this time?
That is correct. Sorry, I said the MB Pro was via Parallels, it's actually BootCamp.
I have attempted to "reset" the board multiple times. It eventually worked the first go-around, but it's not working this time. -
@phaedrux just one thought, could the communication be interfered by ground loop?
@falkia only in some cases
@davidewen as last time...
Please send an email to and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
For the new board it would be a good idea to test the usb terminal connection right away to establish that it works reliably with one of your computers.
@phaedrux said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
@davidewen as last time...
Please send an email to and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
For the new board it would be a good idea to test the usb terminal connection right away to establish that it works reliably with one of your computers.
Got board #3.
Opened box, attached Wi-Fi antennae, attached supplied USB cable, powered up.
Not recognized by macOS.
Status of LEDs.
STATUS = slow flashing red
5v = solid red
3.3v = solid green
ESP = solid greenPowered on & off multiple times. None of the attempts resulted in recognition by macOS.
Moved from mac mini M1 computer to Mac Book Pro w/Intel.
Same results as mac mini.Connected via Boot Camp
Same resultsIf I understand correctly, the slow flashing STATUS LED indicates no firmware?
So, I attempted a 2x fast click of the RESET button.
STATUS LED quickly flashes. ESP LED goes off.
After 10 minutes, nothing happened so I 1x clicked the RESET button and board returned to status above. -
Just to confirm, you're following this?
The Duet 3 Mini 5+ supports an easy mechanism for updating the firmware directly.
Connect the Duet to a PC (Windows, Mac or Linux) using a USB cable
Press the Reset button twice quickly in succession. The Status LED should cycle slowly between dim and bright. This indicates that the bootloader is active.
A new Mass Storage device should appear on the PC. Identify its drive letter (Windows) or mount path (Linux).
A directory listing of this mass storage device should show three virtual files. File CURRENT.UF2 is the existing firmware on the Duet.
Copy the new Duet3Firmware-Mini5plus.uf2 file to the mass storage device
The Status LED will flicker as the firmware is being written, then the Duet will reboot using the new firmware. The mass storage device will disappear from your PC and the Duet 3 COM port will appear.Also, the boards ship with firmware already applied and are tested before going out to vendors. There should be no need to wipe or reflash firmware out of the box.
@phaedrux said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
I've attempted to follow the FW instructions, but the board just isn't recognized, even with BOSSA and 2x quick press of the RESET button.
I even wrote the DuetWiFiServer.bin file to a blank SD card to see if that would work.
These are the computers I've attempted to connect this board to.
None recognize the board in system/device manager or as a storage device.Mac mini (M1, 2020)
Mac mini (M1, 2020) via Parallels with Windows 11 ARM
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017) via BootCamp with Windows 10
Mac Pro 2013
Mac Pro 2013 with Windows 10 Pro via BootCamp
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) with Windows 10 Pro via BootCamp
Raspberry pi 3B+ -
@phaedrux said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
Also, the boards ship with firmware already applied and are tested before going out to vendors. There should be no need to wipe or reflash firmware out of the box.
I did not purposefully or accidentally wipe or reflash the FW. (initially) Once the board was not detected after multiple on/offs, I did 2x click the RESET button to attempt connection that way.
This is the 2nd board I have received with this problem.
Out of the box = no connectivity.
Out of the box, connect to USB, STATUS LED slowly flashes red, 5v LED on, 3.3v LED on, Wi-Fi LED on.I would be happy to:
Do a screen share to work together to solve the problem
Send you this board so you can test it.I don't know what else I can do on my end.