Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s)
Tony, as mentioned in a previous post.
I have followed all instructions for Fallback 1 & 2 per the guide.
Neither work. Board is not found on computer under System Information, via Terminal or Disk Utility.@davidewen said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
Followed "Fallback 1 & Fallback 2" instructions @
Neither worked.
Still can not connect to board via USB
Board does not show up in System Information, or in Terminal via ls /dev/tty.*.Results from Terminal
@Macmini-M1 ~ % ls /dev/tty..
zsh: no matches found: /dev/tty..Results from System Information.
This is what shows up when board is plugged in.
Results from Disk Utility
I do get a "DuetBOOT" after double clicking the reset button, and copying the firmware to the drive does cause a restart, but then I'm back to square 1.No Duet in System Info or Terminal.
Even with a good copy of sys folder files, no Duet on my WiFi. -
@davidewen if DuetBoot shows up and the file is transferred successfully then at least part of the USB system is working as expected. I don't have a Mac to test this on - there might be some interaction between the USB driver in that particular version of MacOS/Mac hardware and the Duet. Or it might be a (partially) faulty USB hardware on the Duet.
Would it be possible to try connecting on a PC/laptop running windows?
I don't have a Windows computer. I do run Windows in Parallels and/or Bootcamp, but still on a Mac computer.I've tested the connection on the new M1 macMini and an older Intel based MacBookPro_2017. Same issue on both.
I attempted to connect via Parallels.
Did not work.
Could not update the device drivers. -
@davidewen in that screenshot it showed a serial port on com4 - is that the Duet?
yes, that's correc -
@davidewen ok so what happens when you connect to com4 with YAT?
I have Macs only, so I'm using SerialTools.Your (dozuki) instructions are not very clear.
First you state to connect using SerialTools.
Then you never show any examples of SerialTools again.
You only show using Terminal.
Some consistency within your instructions would be helpful.
It looks like I can connect, but there is no information displayed.
And Terminal will not connect
Using Terminal, there is still no connection to the board.
This is the output of ls /dev/tty..*
@Macmini-M1 ~ % ls /dev/tty..
zsh: no matches found: /dev/tty..System Information does show a "communication device"
@davidewen i saw you were using windows in a VM and it was detecting a Serial device on com4. Thats why I suggested trying YAT within that VM to connect to it.
The fact that you can see the DuetBoot device via the double click and successfully upload the firmware means that some level of USB is working so i am trying to find a way to check this without access to an similar Mac with the same OS.
I'm attempting to use Windows to connect.
Device drivers won't install.I've downloaded the drivers from this link per the instructions
Windows users, download the USB drivers for Duet here and extract the files to a suitable location. -
Something I'm thinking to mention.
Since my Mac has the M1 chip, Windows is the ARM version.This could be the reason the drivers will not install.
Do you have a raspberry pi?
I do. It is not setup yet, so it would be a from scratch project.
I would want / need specific steps to do so in order to accomplish what you're thinking.Thanks,
David -
Well if you setup the Pi as a desktop environment you could use the linux instructions from the getting connected guide to bypass the Mac/M1/WindowsARM/VM thing.
Download the latest Raspberry PI OS with desktop Etcher the downloaded SD card image to an SD card with Etcher
Setup the Pi with a mouse/keyboard/monitor and boot the burned SD card.
Once you're up and running you can connect the Duet via USB and follow along with the getting connected guide to see if it is detected as a USB device and then hopefully connect to it via terminal.
I finally got Windows using BootCamp to recognize the Duet on COM4.
The name is: Duet 3 motion control electronics (COM4)Sorry, not ready to spend the time setting up a rPi
I can seemingly connect to it via YAT and/or Pronterface, but neither app will actually communicate with it.
YAT, sending M115 returns;
"[Warning: 4 bytes not sent anymore.]Pronterface, attempting to connect returns;
"Could not connect to COM4 at baud rate (tried 9600 & 11500): PermisionError(13, 'Access is denied.' None,5) -
@davidewen said in Error Short to Ground reported by driver(s):
"Could not connect to COM4 at baud rate (tried 9600 & 11500): PermisionError(13, 'Access is denied.' None,5)
"Could not connect to COM4 at baud rate (tried 9600 & 11500): PermisionError(13, 'Access is denied.' None,5)
Error 13 is exactly what the message says. Your process does not have permission to access the port. Usually fixed by running whatever tool in administrative mode.
Well if running as admin doesn't work setting up the pi isn't really too time consuming. Download and file copy take the most time. Other than that it's just plugging the hardware in.
Ok. Running Pronterface as admin allowed me to connect. YAT still does not work even with admin privileges.
I can not get Wi-Fi to work.
Here's the output from PronterfaceConnecting... Printer is now online. >>> M115 SENDING:M115 FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.3 ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 Mini5plus WiFi FIRMWARE_DATE: 2021-06-15 21:46:20 >>> M552 SENDING:M552 WiFi module is disabled >>> M552 S0 SENDING:M552 S0 WiFi module started >>> M552 SENDING:M552 WiFi module is idle >>> M587 S"----" P"----" SENDING:M587 S"----" P"----" Error: M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list: SPI timeout Error: M587: Failed to add SSID to remembered list: SPI timeout
Please try sending M997 S1 to reflash the wifi module firmware and then see what happens when you try to connect to a wifi network.
That did the trick.
Thanks for your help. -
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