Dual Z Endstop or Just a BL Touch 4 Homing?
As the title states do I really need the Dual Z Endstops if Im planning to use a BL Touch for the Z? I do recognize that with the Dual Z Endstops I can do more like maintaining a level X Gantry and possibly mre I just dont know soo am curious as to the responses Ill get if the Z Endstops are needed or necessary if a BL Touch is in use for Z Homing?
Thanks in Advance!
You can home and auto-level (with 2,3 or 4 independent Z steppers) with a Z probe.
You can also home and sort of "auto-level" using one endstop sensor per Z stepper. I say "sort of" because it depends on how accurately your endstop sensors are positioned.
On my 3 Z stepper printer I have both endstop sensors and a Z probe. I devised easily adjustable endstop sensor mounts so I can home using the endstop sensors and get very close to level. Then I follow up with using the Z probe to do the final leveling.
I prefer having the endstop sensors as it results in somewhat simpler code and somewhat faster homing.
You only really need the probe.