Unable to print from or upload to "new directory"
I like to keep my print files organized by Customer name.
I have created a few "new directories"
I am unable to upload into the new directories.
I can copy from the "G-code directory" into the new directory by drag & dropping the file.
Neither can I print from the new directory.
These are some of the errors;
Failed to get file info for SCRAPPER (N)0.4 (L)0.28mm (IF)100% (P)2 (S)160mms (°C)240 (F)i150-PF (T)12h44m.gcode
Operation failed (Reason: err 1)M32 "0:/gcodes/Customer Prints/Corto Olive/SCRAPPER (R)1200 (N)0.4 (L)0.28mm (IF)100% (P)2 (S)160mms (°C)240 (F)i150 (T)13h.gcode"
Error: M32: string too longError: Filename too long: cap=120, dir=0: name=0:/gcodes/Cu...
@davidewen the maximum filename length on all modern Duets is currently 120 characters including the path.
"0:/gcodes/Customer Prints/Corto Olive/SCRAPPER (R)1200 (N)0.4 (L)0.28mm (IF)100% (P)2 (S)160mms (°C)240 (F)i150 (T)13h.gcode" is 124 characters.Ian
To keep the names of my files within the limit I use scheme which minimizes things.
Since I know that distances are in mm, temps in C, flowrates in %, etc I don't use any of qualifiers.
For example:
T190-60 means a tool temp of 190, a bed temp of 60.
LH0.1 means a layer height of 0.1.
S90 means a print speed and travel speed of 90mm/s.
S90-150 means a print speed of 90 mm/s and travel speed of 150 mm/s - if for some reason they are different.
Thanks for the info.I will change my settings so the names are shorter.
I still have the problem of not being able to print from the new directory. I have to move my file to the root in order to print.
Thanks for the info. I will make similar mods to my output
@davidewen Firmware version? Please send M115 and post response.
I'm around 60% complete of a 11 hour print. I'll update when it's finished.