BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
@nurgelrot I'll have to do some tests, the button should only disable if the printer is busy (eg printing), or you are in layout or custom panel edit mode.
@mintytrebor Interesting, changing it to a gcode rather than macro makes it mostly work. It still doesn't show up in the footer bar, but it does actually execute the gcode.
However, with macros still no luck in custom panels. (there is also nothing in the logs)
The macro path is fine, mine do not have extensions. The button without custom panel that works, also has no extension in the path and works just fine. I also tried that very macro path in the custom panel button to no avail.
This is the working button:
@diamondback Thanks for the update. I will see if I can re-create the issue tomorrow.
When I mentioned the Macro path, I was more concerned with the first '/' in your path. The default system Macro path is read from memory & should end with '/' (from memory - it was a while ago now
) - which means the combined path in your case would be '/default/Macro/Path//your/Macro/Path/macro'. The double '//' is what was concerning me. I am pleasantly surprised it works...
@mintytrebor Oh, I see, I was just assuming it uses the same syntax as M98
@mintytrebor Something was off with my SBC on that host/printer got some permission errors when updating so I just redid the pi and the problem is gone. Prob not related to your plugin at all but thanks for taking a look.
So for now I just switched to using the gcode command and calling my macros with M98, this works fine and is a usable workaround.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help in debugging this issueA couple more things I noticed:
- On my 7" iPad (where the sidebar collapses and needs to be shown via the hamburger menu), the custom panels render on top of the DWC sidebar when it's expanded
- During design time, button icons do not update, only in the "use" mode they show the correct icons
- Empty tooltips still "show", as in it displays an empty tooltip, maybe this can be omitted
- Would be cool to include a link to the material design icon database so people can more easily see which icons exist (stretch goal could be a direct icon browser of course)
- My OCD dislikes that "BtnCmd" is the only abreviation in the sidebar...
Maybe give it a proper name
- Being able to reorder existing tabs would be really welcome
I'm really loving this, it makes DWC a TON more usable!
@nurgelrot Glad you have it working.
Icons change to cogs in layout/create mode by design (its a legacy decision from the first iterations of the plugin). I'll add it to the wish list.
Empty tool tips - agreed. I'll see if the framework allows me to make them conditional based on content.
There is a link to the material design icons website in the Info panel of the plugin.
Reordering Tabs - I looked at this before - believe it or not, its not as simple as it sounds
. I'll add to the wish list
Its called BtnCmd because its the smallest version of "Button Command" that did not get truncated by different screen sizes. It bugged me that it was inconsistent depending on the monitor and window size.
I'll look into the Tablet display issue. But if the DWC menu has not been coded to respect elevation - it may be a limitation I have no control over.
@mintytrebor Thanks for the insights
- Icons: The reason I mentioned this is that I struggled to see what exact syntax the icon reference was using (the help says mdi-#, making me think it possibly wants a number there) and since the default cog icon didn't update in design mode (but everything else did), I was thinking that I did something wrong.
- Reordering: No worries, I pay my bills by being a software engineer, so I have no troubles believing you
- DWC/Tablet: Here's an image:
Thanks a lot for caring!
BtnCmd Version 0.8.20 (Alpha) has been released here.
-Icons can now be viewed in settings dialogs
-When viewing on mobile/tablet devices layouts will no longer support user defined layers.Bug Fixes
-Fixed Macros not working in custom panels
-Fixed Action text not showing for buttons in custom panels
-Mitigated issue of DWC menu rendering below BtnCmd layout items.
-Stopped empty hover text box from appearing when no Hover Text has been specified. -
@mintytrebor Very nice release! Did not find anything else so far, all my reported issues are fixed.
@mintytrebor my installation of 0.8.20 is failed with the info:
TypeError: m.dwcFiles is undefined
I have stopped the Plugin and refreshed the browser...
@cosmowave Sorry but that is not one of my plugin files.
When you say failed do you mean the plugin wizard failed during the install or when you try and start the plugin?
Did you use the "upload & start" or "upload system files feature" - I ask because I had an installation error on my Duet2 Ethernet using the "upload & start" feature, but it only happened once so I disregarded it.You could download the version of the plugin you already had previously installed and try to install that again, if that works try to upgrade again, if it fails then you have a DWC problem. The plugin framework is new so I suspect there may be a few issues with it.
@mintytrebor It fails during the plugin wizard. I have used the "upload system files feature".
I will try to re-install it today evening... -
@cosmowave That's the second issue you have had with your setup trying to install plugins - you don't seem to be having much luck.
@mintytrebor Hahaha... you're right! But there are no big problems... so it's ok for me!
@mintytrebor Just for information: The uptade to 0.8.20 is ok now. I have deleted the 0.8.18 and then directly installed 0.8.20.
But a small problem remains.
In layout mode, when i like to edit a custom panel with a "right klick", the blue "edit buttons" are often behind the hole panel. So it is impossible to edit the panel.
These blue "edit buttons" should allways be on the top layer for visibility...But once again: Thanks for this Plugin!!
@cosmowave Can you share a screenshot of it happening please.
What Browser?
What Screen Resolution?
What Device/OS?Have you tried in a different browser?
Edit: Also does it still happen if you bring the panel to the front.
You state in "Layout Mode" - Custom Panels cannot be edited in layout mode only deleted, moved, resized, or moved to the top layer. You can only edit custom panels in "Create & Edit Custom Panels"
Custom Panel in Layout Mode:
Custom Panel in Create & Edit Custom Panels mode:
Can you clarify please?
@mintytrebor Browser: Firefox / Chrome both the same.
Res: 1920 x 1080
Intel Xeon CPU E3-1220 V2 @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz, Win 10 ProTo bring the panel to the front has no effect on this problem.
The problem remains also in the "normal mode".Here you can see a picture of normal view. The "info text" is behind the panel.
Here a picture in the layout mode. I have right clicked on the "home all" button (the button above home x/y... bad picture). The blue edit buttons are more or less completly covered by "it's own button"
The last picture is also from normal mode. The info text is behind the panel.
I think, info text and the blue edit buttons should always be showed on top layer.
I don't know, if this is configurable/programmable.But the info text is not very important for me. Normally i know what my buttons make!
The blue edit buttons are more important. Now, when i like to edit a button, i have to move it outside of any panel or button to have acces to blue buttons.
@cosmowave Great. Thanks for coming back with the info requested.
The behaviour you are experiencing is not typical/normal. Normally the buttons and hover text are on top/in front of everything (and as you suggest they are already coded that way explicitly)
Now we have eliminated some of the variables (screen resolution etc) can you confirm the following for me:
In Global Setting can you make sure "enable selections in settings" is on:
Then in layout mode add a new button and edit its settings. Try and change the type. Does it look like this:
Or are the options missing?
@mintytrebor Thanks for answering.
When i remember me correctly, i have disabled the "Enable Selections in Setting". Because i had problems with the corresponding scrollable selection window. It was not scrollable with the mouse.In layout mode, i think, the "button types" looks like in your picture. But i'm not 100% sure...
I will check it on my machine today evening.