Smart-Effector Z-Probe Status Turns Red-1000?
Since I added my homebrew flying effector and modified the DUET Smart-Effector linear rail adapters, (shortened bowden tube to about 6inches/152,4mm, from 80inches/203,2cm), my mostly homebrew delta printer is more or less behaving itself! Yeah!!
However I have a question. When I'm auto-cal'ing, I notice that the Z-Probe status indicator infrequently, as the nozzel touches the bed, it'll turn red with a 1000 depiction, while many of the other touch-downs remain 0 without the background changing to red. What does this represent? Is it an indication of something that needs to be remedied?
Thanks in advance...3mm
That's normal because DWC only polls data every n.n seconds. If the Z-probe really misses a probe, you get a warning or error in the console.