Anyone tried lower interpolated ms with 6HC?
Since all microstep settings are interpolated just curios if anyone has tried 8x, 4x, etc ms? Is it as smooth as Duet 2 on 16x? New build will be 10mm per rev on x and y so its gonna chew up some available step rate. That got me wondering.
alex kenis did a video on the tmc2208 a while back -
My Z-axis has 2500 steps/mm = 0.08mm per rev.
I tried to reduce ms settings to 4x but then the Z-axis sounded like it was farting while doing mesh leveling. Funny at first but it got annoying soon.
(Hardware is DuetWifi) -
I would be interested to see him test the 2660. They run well past the 500 rpm or so he's getting with the 2208's or maybe the arduino is just running out of snot. I was getting over 1800 rpm, accelerating 1.5 kg of tungsten ballast (w/ diagonal moves) on my test rig at high acceleration and 18k mm/m with Duet Ethernet set to 16x interpolated.