Firmware 1.19RC5 released - last chance to report issues
Is there any way to set the speed of a G1 P1 command?
OK, I am ready to try again 1.19, but I fail to find "the important upgrade notes". There are references in "what's new" page, but there is no actual link.
its here:
Also, any positive movement with my U axis, with S1 defined ignores any F data and just runs at full speed. RC5
OK, I am ready to try again 1.19, but I fail to find "the important upgrade notes". There are references in "what's new" page, but there is no actual link.
Upgrade notes are always in the WHATS_NEW file in the root of my RepRapFirmware github repository, as linked to in the first post in this thread. If you look past the list of new features (which is rather long for this release) and the list of bug fixes, you will find the upgrade notes.
Is there any way to set the speed of a G1 P1 command?
The P parameter is just a modified for the G1 command, so the speed of movement is set by the F parameter as usual.
Also, any positive movement with my U axis, with S1 defined ignores any F data and just runs at full speed. RC5
Can you confirm that you have a space character in the command string immediately before the letter F ?
I don't know if it helps but the issue I reported under RC1 (in that thread) on my corexy with the duet board crashing and trying to send information to the USB was still happening earlier today. I upgraded to RC5 and it is working normally. Many thanks for all the hard work.
Thanks for the feedback! Good to know that it is fixed.
OK, I am ready to try again 1.19, but I fail to find "the important upgrade notes". There are references in "what's new" page, but there is no actual link.
Upgrade notes are always in the WHATS_NEW file in the root of my RepRapFirmware github repository, as linked to in the first post in this thread. If you look past the list of new features (which is rather long for this release) and the list of bug fixes, you will find the upgrade notes.
That is what happens when you read the first two paragraphs of that huge page
Did the upgrade, everything looks fine. No real print yet (CoreXY 300x300x300)
Yes, there is a space.
U at 211:
G1 U300 F100 S1I still can't reproduce this. Please can you give me the exact sequence you are using from power on to make this happen.
There are a few things not quite right with your config and homing files, although I don't think they are relevant to this issue, but please try them anyway:
- In your M574 command in config.g you should have U2 not U1 because the U endstop is at the high end
- In your M208 S0 command the U parameter should be the point at which the endstop switch triggers
- The G1 S1 commands in your homing files should be executed in relative mode. For example, homex.g:
; homex.g ; called to home the X axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Wed May 17 2017 18:05:05 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) ; Lift Z relative to current position G91 G1 Z1 F6000 ; Move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 X-255 F3000 S1 ; Go back a few mm G1 X5 F3000 ; Move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 X-10 F360 S1 ; Lower Z again G1 Z-1 F6000 G90
; homeu.g ; called to home the U axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Wed May 17 2017 18:05:05 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time) ; Lift Z relative to current position G91 G1 Z1 F6000 ; Move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 U370 F6000 S1 ; Go back a few mm G1 U-5 F6000 ; Move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 U10 F360 S1 ; Lower Z again G1 Z-1 F6000 G90
[Edited the above to make somie corrections to homeu.g]
You don't need the G92 commands as long as you have set the U axis maximum in your M208 command to the point at which the switch triggers.
Also the zip file you provided had an old version of iap4e.bin in it.
I applied your changes, and it made no difference.
So I made a test.gcode file with one line:
G1 U400 F2000 S1 ; test
And when I "Emergency stop" and print that file, it runs at full speed.
But when I "Emergency stop" and paste the same line "G1 U400 F2000 S1 ; test" into "Send Gcode" field in the top left of the web interface, it runs at the requested speed.
Until I press "-100" for the U axis (executes correctly) and then press "Send" again - then it runs at too high speed.
I hope this makes sense.
To those testing this firmware release: I have just pushed DWC 1.19-RC1 to my GitHub repository, see
If you decide to try it out and find any bugs, please report them here or open a new issue on my GitHub page.
Chrishamm, I installed it, and so far it works fine. Where can I find a "What's new" file?
Chrishamm, I installed it, and so far it works fine. Where can I find a "What's new" file?
I don't include a "Whats new" file with my DWC releases yet, but you can find all the changes in the commit message on GitHub:
@Chrishamm, did you see my pull request?
I added dutch translation for DWC.
Will crosscheck with 1.19 to see if additional strings have been added. -
I applied your changes, and it made no difference.
So I made a test.gcode file with one line:
G1 U400 F2000 S1 ; test
And when I "Emergency stop" and print that file, it runs at full speed.
But when I "Emergency stop" and paste the same line "G1 U400 F2000 S1 ; test" into "Send Gcode" field in the top left of the web interface, it runs at the requested speed.
Until I press "-100" for the U axis (executes correctly) and then press "Send" again - then it runs at too high speed.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks, I've just tried that but I still can't reproduce the problem.
Please can you do one more thing. Connect the Duet to a PC running Pronterface or similar over USB. Set up the printer ready to exhibit the problem. Send M111 S1 P4 and M111 S1 P6 to enable full movement debugging. Then run the G1 U400 F2000 S1 to cause the incorrect speed issue. Paste the debug output (DDA and DM info) that appears in Pronterface here.
Sorry for the late reply, I had some problems getting USB to work and I had to downgrade to 19b11 and then back to RC5 to make the USB port work again.
Here you go - it's a bit long, but I include all of it for completeness.
To provoke the error, I just turn on the machine and print test2.gcode. that file contains one line, pasted here:
G1 U400 F2000 S1 ; Executes correct. Sets U pos to 314.5 when done (max U coord)
I hope this helps.
PS: The buttplug.gcode is not really a buttplug
23:41:31.668 : No start signal detected - forcing start
23:41:31.673 : RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi Version 1.19RC5 dated 2017-08-07
23:41:31.673 : Executing config.gโฆAttempt to emulate unsupported firmware.
23:41:31.673 : FTP is enabled on port 21
23:41:31.673 : Done!
23:41:31.673 : RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi is up and running.
23:41:31.673 : WiFi module started
23:41:31.673 : Wifi module is connected to access point Internet, IP address
23:41:31.682 : FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.19RC5 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 + DueX5 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-08-07
23:41:31.688 : X: 0.000 Y: 0.000 Z: -0.048 U: 0.000 E0: 0.0 E1: 0.0 E2: 0.0 E3: 0.0 E4: 0.0 E5: 0.0 E6: 0.0 E7: 0.0 Count 0 0 0 0 User 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
23:41:31.688 : serial: N6 T060
23:41:31.691 : Heater 1 switched on
23:41:31.694 : serial: N7 M2022
23:41:31.703 : Begin file list
23:41:31.703 : HollowDodecahedron.gcode
23:41:31.703 : TestPrint.gcode
23:41:31.703 : octagon-test-delta.gcode
23:41:31.703 : setheight.gcode
23:41:31.703 : EscherLizard.gcode
23:41:31.703 : BletClamps
23:41:31.703 : Calibration.gcode
23:41:31.703 : UnitTriangle.gcode
23:41:31.703 : 7_inch_PanelDue_screen_holder.3.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Button.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Wire Clamp Test With Spring.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Extruderparts_FanMounts_V01.gcode
23:41:31.703 : UnitBox.gcode
23:41:31.703 : UntiSquares.factory
23:41:31.703 : Ooze spring mounts.gcode
23:41:31.703 : AM3_BeltClamps.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Z-motor-standoff.gcode
23:41:31.703 : AM3Wifi_3DBenchy_Dual.gcode
23:41:31.703 : CircleGrid.gcode
23:41:31.703 : 20mmUnitBox.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Sorteringskasse.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Sorteringskasse_Head1.gcode
23:41:31.703 : RadiusTest_Head1.gcode
23:41:31.703 : RadiusTest_Head2.gcode
23:41:31.703 : roundedbox.gcode
23:41:31.703 : 8x4-wire clamp with spring loose.gcode
23:41:31.703 : 8x3-wire clamp with spring loose.gcode
23:41:31.703 : 8x10 coupler.gcode
23:41:31.703 : Gasket.gcode
23:41:31.704 : RocketForMegaScaling_rot.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 6mm_standoff.gcode
23:41:31.704 : ButtPlug_rot_rot.gcode
23:41:31.704 : test-wall_rot.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 20mm box.gcode
23:41:31.704 : Z-motor-standoffs-48mm.gcode
23:41:31.704 : IdlerSpacer.gcode
23:41:31.704 : y-belt-tightners.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 2color 4x20mm box.gcode
23:41:31.704 : nozzle.3.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 20mm box2.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 20mm box3.gcode
23:41:31.704 : test.gcode
23:41:31.704 : 20mm box4.gcode
23:41:31.704 : DC42Test.gcode
23:41:31.704 : test2.gcode
23:41:31.704 : End file list
23:41:31.706 : serial: N8 M111 S6111
23:41:31.709 : serial: N9 T051
23:41:31.712 : serial: N10 M8042
23:41:31.715 : serial: N11 M10523
23:41:32.286 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:32.287 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:32.288 : Found responder
23:41:32.289 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:32.292 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:32.293 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:32.313 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:32.314 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:32.315 : Found responder
23:41:32.316 : Received 362 bytes
23:41:32.317 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:32.318 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_reply HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:32.318 : Sending G-Code reply to client 1 of 1 (length 21)
23:41:33.292 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:33.293 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:33.294 : Found responder
23:41:33.295 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:33.298 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:33.299 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:34.317 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:34.318 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:34.319 : Found responder
23:41:34.320 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:34.323 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:34.324 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:34.689 : serial: N12 M10520
23:41:35.343 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:35.344 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:35.345 : Found responder
23:41:35.346 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:35.349 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:35.350 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:36.285 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:36.285 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:36.287 : Found responder
23:41:36.287 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:36.291 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:36.292 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 }
23:41:36.497 : serial: N13 M111 P4 S122
23:41:36.499 : Debugging enabled for modules: Platform(0) Network(1) Webserver(2) GCodes(3) Move(4) Heat(5) DDA(6) Roland(7) Scanner(8) PrintMonitor(9) Storage(10) PortControl(11) ?(12)
23:41:36.499 : Debugging disabled for modules:
23:41:37.288 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:37.289 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:37.290 : Found responder
23:41:37.291 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:37.294 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:37.295 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:37.310 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:37.311 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:37.312 : Found responder
23:41:37.313 : Received 362 bytes
23:41:37.314 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:37.315 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_reply HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:37.315 : Sending G-Code reply to client 1 of 1 (length 203)
23:41:37.748 : serial: N14 M10518
23:41:38.286 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:38.287 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:38.288 : Found responder
23:41:38.289 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:38.292 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:38.293 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:39.285 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:39.286 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:39.287 : Found responder
23:41:39.288 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:39.292 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:39.293 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:40.321 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:40.322 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:40.323 : Found responder
23:41:40.324 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:40.327 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:40.328 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:40.810 : serial: N15 M10519
23:41:41.284 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:41.285 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:41.286 : Found responder
23:41:41.287 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:41.290 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:41.291 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:42.286 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:42.287 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:42.288 : Found responder
23:41:42.289 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:42.292 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:42.293 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:42.439 : serial: N16 M111 P6 S117
23:41:42.441 : Debugging enabled for modules: Platform(0) Network(1) Webserver(2) GCodes(3) Move(4) Heat(5) DDA(6) Roland(7) Scanner(8) PrintMonitor(9) Storage(10) PortControl(11) ?(12)
23:41:42.441 : Debugging disabled for modules:
23:41:43.285 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:43.286 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:43.287 : Found responder
23:41:43.288 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:43.291 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:43.292 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:43.309 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:43.310 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:43.311 : Found responder
23:41:43.312 : Received 362 bytes
23:41:43.313 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:43.314 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_reply HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:43.314 : Sending G-Code reply to client 1 of 1 (length 203)
23:41:43.874 : serial: N17 M10517
23:41:44.291 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:44.292 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:44.293 : Found responder
23:41:44.294 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:44.297 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:44.298 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:44.690 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:44.690 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:44.692 : Found responder
23:41:44.692 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:44.696 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:44.697 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:45.010 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:45.011 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:45.012 : Found responder
23:41:45.013 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:45.017 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:45.018 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 }
23:41:45.311 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:45.311 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:45.312 : Found responder
23:41:45.313 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:45.317 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:45.318 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:45.593 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:45.594 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:45.595 : Found responder
23:41:45.596 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:45.599 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:45.600 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:45.881 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:45.882 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:45.883 : Found responder
23:41:45.884 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:45.887 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:45.888 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:46.175 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:46.176 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:46.177 : Found responder
23:41:46.178 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:46.181 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:46.182 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:46.464 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:46.465 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:46.466 : Found responder
23:41:46.467 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:46.470 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:46.471 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:46.754 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:46.755 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:46.756 : Found responder
23:41:46.757 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:46.760 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:46.761 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:46.934 : serial: N18 M10530
23:41:47.043 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:47.043 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:47.045 : Found responder
23:41:47.045 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:47.049 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:47.050 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:47.331 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:47.331 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:47.332 : Found responder
23:41:47.334 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:47.337 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:47.338 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:47.621 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:47.622 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:47.623 : Found responder
23:41:47.624 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:47.627 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:47.628 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:47.923 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:47.924 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:47.925 : Found responder
23:41:47.926 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:47.930 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:47.931 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 }
23:41:48.235 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:48.236 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:48.237 : Found responder
23:41:48.238 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:48.241 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:48.242 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:48.583 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:48.584 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:48.585 : Found responder
23:41:48.586 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:48.589 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:48.590 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:48.959 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:48.960 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:48.961 : Found responder
23:41:48.962 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:48.965 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:48.966 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:49.247 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:49.248 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:49.249 : Found responder
23:41:49.250 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:49.252 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:49.254 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:49.542 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:49.543 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:49.544 : Found responder
23:41:49.545 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:49.548 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:49.549 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:49.826 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:49.826 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:49.827 : Found responder
23:41:49.829 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:49.832 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:49.833 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:49.999 : serial: N19 M10531
23:41:50.108 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:50.109 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:50.110 : Found responder
23:41:50.111 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:50.114 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:50.115 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:50.392 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:50.393 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:50.394 : Found responder
23:41:50.395 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:50.399 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:50.399 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:50.678 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:50.679 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:50.680 : Found responder
23:41:50.681 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:50.684 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:50.685 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:50.970 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:50.971 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:50.972 : Found responder
23:41:50.973 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:50.977 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:50.978 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 }
23:41:51.259 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:51.260 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:51.261 : Found responder
23:41:51.262 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:51.265 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:51.266 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:51.546 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:51.547 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:51.548 : Found responder
23:41:51.549 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:51.552 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:51.553 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:51.840 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:51.841 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:51.842 : Found responder
23:41:51.843 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:51.846 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:51.847 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:52.128 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.129 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.130 : Found responder
23:41:52.131 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:52.134 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.135 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:52.308 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.309 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.310 : Found responder
23:41:52.311 : Received 410 bytes
23:41:52.312 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.313 : http: M32 test2.gcode
23:41:52.314 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_gcode HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { gcode=M32 test2.gcode }
23:41:52.339 : -- Parsing file test2.gcode --
23:41:52.339 : Header complete, processed 83 bytes, read time 0.001s, parse time 0.000s
23:41:52.339 : Footer complete, processed 4096 bytes, read time 0.000s, parse time 0.001s, seek time 0.000s
23:41:52.339 : file: G1 U400 F2000 S1
23:41:52.340 : Transformed 0.00 0.00 -0.05 to 0 0 -77
23:41:52.351 : DDA: d=0.048000 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 8333.333984 0.000000]
23:41:52.352 : a=0.360000 reqv=0.500000 topv=0.131453 startv=0.000000 endv=0.000000
23:41:52.352 : daccel=0.024000 ddecel=0.024000 cks=684653
23:41:52.353 : DMZ: dir=B steps=77 next=1 rev=78 interval=55170 sstcda=0 acmadtcdts=171163 tstcdapdsc=684652 2dtstc2diva=234374600548
23:41:52.353 : accelStopStep=39 decelStartStep=39 2CsqtMmPerStepDivA=3043831552
23:41:52.354 : mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=4552499 fmsdmtstdca2=0
23:41:52.354 : DMU: dir=F steps=32000 next=1 rev=32001 interval=2706 sstcda=0 acmadtcdts=171163 tstcdapdsc=684652 2dtstc2diva=234374600548
23:41:52.356 : accelStopStep=16001 decelStartStep=16001 2CsqtMmPerStepDivA=7324218
23:41:52.356 : mmPerStepTimesCdivtopSpeed=10954 fmsdmtstdca2=0
23:41:52.416 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.417 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.418 : Found responder
23:41:52.419 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:52.423 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.424 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:52.441 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.442 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.443 : Found responder
23:41:52.444 : Received 389 bytes
23:41:52.445 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_fileinfo HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:52.446 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.487 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.488 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.489 : Found responder
23:41:52.490 : Received 362 bytes
23:41:52.491 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.492 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_reply HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:52.492 : Sending G-Code reply to client 1 of 1 (length 39)
23:41:52.754 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:52.755 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:52.756 : Found responder
23:41:52.757 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:52.761 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:52.762 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=3 }
23:41:53.046 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:53.047 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:53.048 : Found responder
23:41:53.049 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:53.054 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:53.055 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=3 }
23:41:53.062 : serial: N20 M10521
23:41:53.112 : Done printing file
23:41:53.112 : โ Parsing file test2.gcode --
23:41:53.112 : Header complete, processed 83 bytes, read time 0.000s, parse time 0.001s
23:41:53.112 : Footer complete, processed 4096 bytes, read time 0.000s, parse time 0.000s, seek time 0.000s
23:41:53.334 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:53.335 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:53.336 : Found responder
23:41:53.337 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:53.341 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:53.342 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=3 }
23:41:53.356 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:53.357 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:53.358 : Found responder
23:41:53.359 : Received 362 bytes
23:41:53.360 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:53.361 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_reply HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { }
23:41:53.361 : Sending G-Code reply to client 1 of 1 (length 19)
23:41:53.624 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:53.625 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:53.626 : Found responder
23:41:53.627 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:53.630 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:53.631 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:53.905 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:53.907 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:53.907 : Found responder
23:41:53.908 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:53.913 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:53.913 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 }
23:41:54.199 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:54.200 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:54.201 : Found responder
23:41:54.202 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:54.205 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:54.206 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:54.482 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:54.483 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:54.484 : Found responder
23:41:54.485 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:54.488 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:54.489 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:54.765 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:54.766 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:54.767 : Found responder
23:41:54.768 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:54.771 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:54.772 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:55.056 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:55.057 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:55.058 : Found responder
23:41:55.059 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:55.062 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:55.063 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:55.339 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:55.340 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:55.341 : Found responder
23:41:55.342 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:55.345 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:55.346 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:55.628 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:55.628 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:55.629 : Found responder
23:41:55.630 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:55.633 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:55.634 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:55.922 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:55.923 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:55.924 : Found responder
23:41:55.925 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:55.928 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:55.929 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:56.128 : serial: N21 M10520
23:41:56.211 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:56.212 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:56.213 : Found responder
23:41:56.214 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:56.217 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:56.218 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:56.499 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:56.500 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:56.500 : Found responder
23:41:56.501 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:56.505 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:56.506 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=1 }
23:41:56.791 : New conn on socket 0 for local port 80
23:41:56.792 : HTTP connection accepted
23:41:56.793 : Found responder
23:41:56.794 : Received 394 bytes
23:41:56.798 : Sending reply, file = no
23:41:56.799 : HTTP req, command words { GET /rr_status HTTP/1.1 }, parameters { type=2 } -
You must have entered the wrong M111 command, because you appear to have enabled all debugging instead of just Move and DDA debugging. But the info I wanted appears in the middle of it anyway. I can see what is happening: there is a small Z movement as well as the U movement, and I think the requested speed is being applied to just the Z component. Do you have a bed height map loaded, or any other form of bed or axis compensation applied?
I reported a stuttering bug on github when pressure advance is enabled. It seemed to only happen on a skirt generated by s3d 4.0, but was quite strange. I assume it can happen in other scenarios.