Rotary Delta needs Segmentation in Z-Moves
Good evening,
i build a new Rotary Delta Machine and installed FW 3.2. Everything works fine but i noticed that there is no segmentation for Z-Moves. On linear Delta thats no problem but on a rotary delta i think we need segmentation to keep a constand feedrate.
Would it be possible to implement this into the code?
Best regards
Maybe this will help do the segmentation including Z-Moves / only Z-Moves!?
I will try to test it next week.}
// Apply segmentation if necessary. To speed up simulation on SCARA printers, we don't apply kinematics segmentation when simulating. // Note for when we use RTOS: as soon as we set segmentsLeft nonzero, the Move process will assume that the move is ready to take, so this must be the last thing we do. const Kinematics& kin = reprap.GetMove().GetKinematics(); if (kin.UseSegmentation() && simulationMode != 1 && (moveBuffer.hasExtrusion || moveBuffer.isCoordinated || !kin.UseRawG0())) { // This kinematics approximates linear motion by means of segmentation. // We assume that the segments will be smaller than the mesh spacing. // Calculate XY movement lenght const float xyLength = sqrtf(fsquare(currentUserPosition[X_AXIS] - initialX) + fsquare(currentUserPosition[Y_AXIS] - initialY)); const float moveTime_XY = xyLength/moveBuffer.feedRate; // this is a best-case time, often the move will take longer // Calculate Z movement lenght const float zLength = abs(currentUserPosition[Z_AXIS] - initialZ); const float moveTime_Z = zLength/moveBuffer.feedRate; // this is a best-case time, often the move will take longer // Check which movment lenght is bigger and calculate Segments if(zLenght > xyLength) { totalSegments = (unsigned int)max<int>(1, min<int>(rintf(zLength/kin.GetMinSegmentLength()), rintf(moveTime_Z * kin.GetSegmentsPerSecond()))); } else { totalSegments = (unsigned int)max<int>(1, min<int>(rintf(xyLength/kin.GetMinSegmentLength()), rintf(moveTime_XY * kin.GetSegmentsPerSecond()))); } } else if (reprap.GetMove().IsUsingMesh() && (moveBuffer.isCoordinated || machineType == MachineType::fff)) { const HeightMap& heightMap = reprap.GetMove().AccessHeightMap(); totalSegments = max<unsigned int>(1, heightMap.GetMinimumSegments(currentUserPosition[X_AXIS] - initialX, currentUserPosition[Y_AXIS] - initialY)); } else { totalSegments = 1; }
I will look at supporting segmentation in Z for rotary delta kinematics in firmware 3.3. I think we need to extend useSegmentation to indicate whether segmentation in Z is also needed, in which case we should include Z in the calculation of distance moved.
Does is really matter if the speed of pure Z moves is not constant?
thanks for the reply. I think for 3D-Printing it´s not that importent. But for other applications besides 3d printing it could be necessary?! it would be complete if Z-Moves are included.