No heater printing
I made a clay extruder for my printer.
How can I make reprap firmware print without any heater or temperature sensors?
Does it have a fake heater that I can make always return 200c or something to make the firmware extrude with a cold extruder, or even without temp sensors?
Take a look at the gcode wiki you will find commands for cold extrusion
ThenI still have to install thermistors, just to give it some kind of temperature reading, but the printer does not have any real need for a temp reading.
I will install one for now, and suggest that a fake temperature sensor is added to the firmware.
instead on installing thermistors you could use a 100K resistor in there place
If you define your tool as having no heaters in the M563 command, I don't think you should need to use any temperature sensors. Have you tried that?
Yes, I tried that. I dont remember what went wrong, but I could not get that to work too.
I have installed a thermistor and added M302 P1 to my init code, and that works.
I've just tested the forthcoming RRF 1.18RC1. If you create a tool with no heaters, extrusion does work using G1 E commands. However, DWC 1.17+2 greys out the Extrude and Retract buttons. This appears to be fixed in the beta of DWC 1.19 that chrishamm has given me to test.
Ok, great.