What is the "best" positive and negative Z axis settings?
And one more thing, sorry…
I dont seem to be able to change the setting by typing and sending it from the Duet Web Control. I always have to take out the sd-card and change setting in Notepad++ instead..
No fun..
Regards once again
Per -
What web browser are you using? I found things don't work properly in Safari in relation to saving files. I haven't tried edge/IE, but I know Firefox for sure works on OS X and Linux and Chrome works on OS X. Those two are your best bets.
If it's lowering the bed all the way, then it sounds like your Z axis is reversed. The Z coordinate is the distance between the nozzle and the bed. So movement in the +Z direction should move the bed down.
@Nyl0cke I am on PC (win10) and using Firefox…
@David, Ahh ok maybe that's why I had to change the direction to negative for the value that the x and y axis should lower before homing those axis. Will try it tomorrow.
By the Z coordinate you mean the value "G31 Z1.20 P500 ; Set the probe height and threshold (put your own values here) , or?
But should it lower it all the way down to +380, when after "Home all" I e.g click on move Z axis +10 in DWC? -
When the G30 command is executed, it should raise the bed until the Z probe triggers. I think you have the Z axis reversed, which is why it is lowering the bed instead, waiting for the probe to trigger - but of course it never does.
It worked!! Thanks a lot David!
Now I probably will find other things to ask about
Still cant send g-codes from DWC though but its not a biggie… -
I've been unable to send gcodes from the DWC console when the DWC and firmware versions were incompatible. The current versions are firmware 1.15c and DWC 1.12. Look on the Settings page of DWC to check which versions you have.
Firmware is 1.15c, dont know how to check dwc version but since its a new installation for me so I assume it is 1.12 (the latest?!)
The General tab of the Settings page of DWC gives all the firmware and DWC versions.
Ahh, blind as a bat..
Firmware 1.15c, webinterface HTML: 1.11, JS: 1.11
Ok updating to 1.12 then…