Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale
Rough geographic location might be useful as a general info point (-;
This is akin to asking how long a piece of string is.
What you might think is a "reasonable" amount another person might not, and what someone else thinks is a reasonable offer might come as an insult to you.
The Stillborn "big-box" project was stillborn for a reason....
@CaLviNx said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
The Stillborn "big-box" project was stillborn for a reason....
yes. we moved away from acrylic for a reason
@Veti said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
yes. we moved away from acrylic for a reason
Could you explain what your comment refers to?
Have you ever looked at how a "big-box" printer is put together and what it's "frame" consists of?
@CaLviNx said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
Have you ever looked at how a "big-box" printer is put together and what it's "frame" consists of?
Nope. Never heard of it.
But I will make an assumption based upon your post.
@fcwilt said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
Could you explain what your comment refers to?
acrylic cracks. i started with an anet a8 and some parts broke in half after printing to fast.
also see
it mentions the cracking as well. -
I used my big box (in IDEX configuration) for years w/o any frame cracking. I think a lot comes down to the assembly. The black inserts to the frame that held the square nuts were certainly a required addition.
@Veti Thank you.
@Veti It's not acrylic, it's plywood, much, much better than acrylic.
To be honest I'd ignore the comments about then Bigbox not being very good, perhaps the acrylic version wasn't good but my ply version has served me well, very well.
The only reason I'm selling is because I'm selling my house and moving onto a narrowboat so 3d printing is dead in the water so to speak.
For thos wondering where I am, I live in Denton which is very close to Stockport on the M60. The price that is reasonableto some and not others is well just a moot point, it can't be decided upon until someone actually makes what they think is a reasonable offer, I can then say yep, that's great or I could say could you go a little higher. That is the whole point of haggling, there are very good examples of how to do it on BBC tv every weekday lunchtime. I'm not putting a starting price on it myself because I don't want to frighten anyone away in case they think it's too much but it is installed with a Duet 2 and I also have a BRAND NEW 7" PanelDUE to go with it that I've never used but I can assure those that call the Bigbox that the Ply version is an excellent machine, it failed because of the acrylic side of things.
@oliof Location doesn't really matter, I live near Manchester but I'm happy to deliver to just about anywhere in England or Wales, maybe even Scotland provided the agreed purchase price was enough to allow me to cover fuel.
@Kayjay said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
The only reason I'm selling is because I'm selling my house and moving onto a narrowboat so 3d printing is dead in the water so to speak.
Moving just for the fun of being on the water?
I looked at some pictures of boats for sale but didn't see any that had space for my king sized bed.
They are cozy to say the least.
@fcwilt Haha ... yep, moving there for the fun of moving about the country. It is also cheaper living, epecially for constant cruisers coz there are no mooring fees which can save a couple of grand a year, theres no council tax either for constant movers and being alone living on a narrowboat is just heaven, me and my Nintendo Switch and my X-Box. It's an easy and blissful life, summer is gorgeous, winter is ok the boats can run on either diesel central heating or gas central heating, the former being cheaper. I can't wait, roll on springtime
The other thing is the bow room is usually fitted with a double bed, king sized no unfortunately, it's something I'll have to get used to, I have a kingsized myself at the mo.
How does being on the move all the time work? Do you tie up up night?
And how did you find a job that allows for moving around?
Sounds like a grand way of life for a single person.
@fcwilt my brother and his wife went to live on a boat a couple years back. Her company is fully remote and fully distributed so the boat didn't change a lot, if anything it reinforced things they already knew to be true.
@Kayjay all the best for the move! Too bad I don't live close enough to take a look at the printer (maybe good though, I don't have space).
@fcwilt said in Big box with Duet 2 Ethernet and 7" PanelDue for sale:
How does being on the move all the time work?
You can find a lot of info about that life style in this channel and a few others
With the current Covid, many employers are open to the work-from-home idea. Not sure though what kind of internet connection, one can expect.
@fcwilt Hi Frederick, Yes, Constant cruisers can moor anywhere for free for up to two weeks then they have to move on. Regarding work, I don't have a problem with that, I'm 68, I retired 18 years ago, it's been the best 18 years of my life. I did miss my workmates at first but being a landlubber I could see a lot of them either visiting homes or in the pub. In the future it'll be kless so but I'm sure I'm going to make new friends. There is a chap that does a Vlog on youtube called Tales from The Swans Neck (which is the name for the tiller) and he has made dozens of new friends, people he sees regularly as he travels around. It's going to be a wonderful life for my final years, I have no intention of ever buying a house again
@zapta It looks interesting. I've been following a vlogger called Andrew who has a vlog call Tales from the Swans Neck which is the name for the tiller ( did I already mention that earlier, sorry if I did)
Oh well it looks like I'll have to put it on Fleabay. Other thoughts I had was to sell the Duet 2 and PanelDue to anyone interested on here and sell the basic Bigbox on Ebay. I just don't know what to do. Obviously I don't want to give it away but on the other hand it's way, way too big to have on a narrowboat. Does anyone have any good ideas that may help me dispose of it. Please remember that it's made of plywood and not the dreaded acrylic (I am so glad I chose ply when crowdfunding it). As I mentioned earlier I could sell the Duet parts and fit the Bigbox with a RAMPS system, I have got so many of those I could buy shares
Can anyone offer thoughts on that way of doing things?