Newbie. Extruder not working
I get a warning that says attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
Extruder is plugged into "Drive 4" or "E1 Motor" on Duet wifi board
@sd_matt your tool 0 is currently off (it says under the tool name) so is not selected. Maybe add 'T0' to the very end of your config.
Also, unless you disable it, you will likely need to heat up your tool before it will let you extrude
edit: M302 P1 allows cold extrusion
 @engikeneer Ok that works thanks. Now I gotta see why Im getting the warning in the next screen shot. Looks like bad wiring or output. I have the extension board. Can I reassign an output on the extension board to test my wiring?
@engikeneer Picture didnt go through but it says "Warning motor phase a may be disconnected reported by driver 3"
And another warning for phase b
@engikeneer Ok cancel that phase problem. I moved the connection to drive 3 on the duet. Appears driver 3 is associated with drive 3
@sd_matt you beat me to it! Glad you got it sorted