Losing connection with board
I keep losing connection with the board. I just get the standard AJAX message and no explanation.
Are you connecting using a DNS name, or directly via IP address? I was having similar issues when connecting via a DNS host name, and someone else here suggested I try via IP address, as the mDNS responder might be having issues. I've switched to connecting via IP address only, and have not had an unexplained disconnection since that time.
Another oddity showed up this morning, the small print I was doing, a replacement part was nearly finished. I could see the part was on the last few layers. yet the DWC told me I was only 56.6% done. It has been spot on before. Down right scary in how close it has been till this. I will be keeping an eye on it.
That usually means that you have a G1 Z command in your end gcode to raise the print head when the print is complete, and that command is confusing the object height detection. The remedy is to add a comment starting with ;E to that line.
I have a G1 E-15 F9000 as the first line in my closing script, I'll add the suggested comment in
I keep losing connection with the board. I just get the standard AJAX message and no explanation.
Are you connecting using a DNS name, or directly via IP address? I was having similar issues when connecting via a DNS host name, and someone else here suggested I try via IP address, as the mDNS responder might be having issues. I've switched to connecting via IP address only, and have not had an unexplained disconnection since that time.
Using the IP address here
Another oddity showed up this morning, the small print I was doing, a replacement part was nearly finished. I could see the part was on the last few layers. yet the DWC told me I was only 56.6% done. It has been spot on before. Down right scary in how close it has been till this. I will be keeping an eye on it.
That usually means that you have a G1 Z command in your end gcode to raise the print head when the print is complete, and that command is confusing the object height detection. The remedy is to add a comment starting with ;E to that line.
I have a G1 E-15 F9000 as the first line in my closing script, I'll add the suggested comment in
That shouldn't cause any problems, it's when you have a G1 Z line in your closing script that the object height is likely to be read incorrectly, because the firmware looks for the last G1 Z line in the file and assumes that indicates the start of the last layer.
Another oddity showed up this morning, the small print I was doing, a replacement part was nearly finished. I could see the part was on the last few layers. yet the DWC told me I was only 56.6% done. It has been spot on before. Down right scary in how close it has been till this. I will be keeping an eye on it.
That usually means that you have a G1 Z command in your end gcode to raise the print head when the print is complete, and that command is confusing the object height detection. The remedy is to add a comment starting with ;E to that line.
I have a G1 E-15 F9000 as the first line in my closing script, I'll add the suggested comment in
That shouldn't cause any problems, it's when you have a G1 Z line in your closing script that the object height is likely to be read incorrectly, because the firmware looks for the last G1 Z line in the file and assumes that indicates the start of the last layer.
So then might it not be a good idea to but code in the starting script to tell it where it is? Maybe a G30, or do G30 and input that value somehow? Is there something else in my code throwing it off. I used the ones I had for an i3 as a basis. This is my first Delta machine so things might not translate the way I think they do.
open script
G28 ; home all axes
M280 P3 S10 I1 ; DROP PIN
M98 Pbed.gclose script
G1 E-13.0 F9000 ;E
G0 Z400 F1800
M104 S0 ; turn off extruder
M140 S0 ; turn off bed
M106 S0
M84 ; disable motors -
The line that is confusing the firmware is this one:
G0 Z400 F1800
If you append ";E" or "; E" (without the quotes) to that line, that should avoid the problem.