Automatic Calibration Results flipped/flopped
When I put a piece of paper under one of the corner measure points - the back right point - and I look at the graph, it is the front right point that is displayed as lifted above the rest, so the graph must be flipped around the X axis.
This makes it harder to manual-level the bed, because you cannot refer the graph directly to your printer.
You can rotate the bed height map displayed in the web interface until the displayed, XYZ axes line up with the axes of your printer.
I know, but they can't. The axies are not drawn at 0,0,0 - but rather at 0,1,0. I would expect the origo to be drawn at my min x, min y but they are drawn at min x, max y.
I belive the axies should always be drawn at x0,y0 - whereever that may be.