bug: M486 C does not cancel current part
Introduction of M486 was very useful but
on my setup (DuetWiFi + 3.1.1 issuing M486 C does nothing (at least visible), machine continues to print.however M486 Px works. result is on the picture below
M409 does not list objects either.
M409 {"key":"","flags":"","result":{"boards":[{}],"directories":{},"fans":[{},{},{}],"heat":{},"inputs":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},null,null,{},null,{}],"job":{},"limits":{},"move":{},"network":{},"scanner":{},"sensors":{},"seqs":{},"spindles":[{},{},{},{}],"state":{},"tools":[{}],"volumes":[{},{}]}}
@c310 said in bug: M486 C does not cancel current part:
on my setup (DuetWiFi + 3.1.1 issuing M486 C does nothing (at least visible), machine continues to print.
M409 C will cancel the object whose GCodes are being processed at the time. Because moves are executed from a queue of processed GCodes, the remainder of the queue will continue to be executed. It's even possible that the object cancelled will not be the one whose moves are currently being executed from the queue, because a change to a different object will take place later in the queue. Hence the "use with care" warning.
M409 does not list objects either.
From the documentation:
An empty key string selects the entire object model. Note, the entire object model may be very large. RepRapFirmware 3.0beta2 and later set a default maximum depth of 1 if the key string is empty or not present, to avoid generating a response that may be too long to send.
@dc42 thanks... .so, how do i cancel the object being printed ? or that will be in 3.1.2 ?
i guess firmware knows what is being printed now and can cancel. but it does not happen (niter current object, nor potentially next one)
in my situation - i have canceled current, but printer finished full plate, even with objects i wanted to cancel.If the queue is very big, it might be good to "reload" it after cancel received...
M486 C should work already, except that as noted above, and provided there is a current object at the time (there won't be if a prime tower or other non-object is being printed, or if the objects were not labelled). In 3.1.2 I will add a confirmatory message reporting which object has been cancelled (or none).
I have added a message to confirm when an object is cancelled (if it wasn't cancelled already) or resumed (if it was previously cancelled).
@dc42 thanks!