M453 on/off/PWM
Hope this post find everyone well despite everything.
I'm in the process of migrating my firmware from RRF2.05 to RRF3.01 and wanted to clarify an issue I raised some time ago in this post: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/11665/assigning-multiple-pins-for-cnc-m3-command-use
It was suggested that the M453 command could be extended to include C"out3+out4+out5" 'where the first 2 pins are assumed to be on/off pins for forward and reverse, and the third pin is assumed to be the PWM control pin for both directions.' Has this been implemented in recent firmware updates?
No, it hasn't.
Ah thanks - will it ever likely be implemented?
I've included the following lines in my config file.
M950 P0 C"e0heat" ; Allocated GPOP Port 0 to Heater 1
M453 C"e1heat" Q300 R24000 ; Set to CNC mode, using Tool 1, 24000 Max RPMand have updated my post processor in V-carve to include M42 P0 S1 next to the M3 S# command and M42 P0 S0 next to M5. So I can still use my machine.
But is there a way of switching additional pins alongside the one assigned to the M3/M5 command without editing the post processor? I'd like to control LED lights when g-code commands are executed, as a kind of safety traffic light system. Red for M3. Yellow for G1 G0 G2 G3 movements.