Filament Usage
What is the firmware looking for as far as filament usage goes? When I print stuff sliced in KISS the filament usage is always N/A. Is there anything I can do to get these to show up? Theres a "mark stop/start" option in KISS that adds in M101/103 or G10/11, is this what I'm looking for or is it a red herring?
Is this in the documentation and I just missed it?
It's looking for a comment near the start or end of the file that gives the amount of filament needed. Does KISS provide one?
There is, but its formatted like this at the very end.
[c]; Filament used per extruder:
; Ext 1 = 12673.55 mm (30.483 cm^3)[/c] -
For KISS the code is looking for string "; Estimated Build Volume: ". I guess KISS has changed since that bit was written. If you can confirm that you are using the latest version, I will change it in the next release - if Chrishamm doesn't beat me to it.
I'm really outdated, I didnt even know. I'm still on beta 2.20 and theres an official 1.5 release. I'll download it and check it out. This is what I get for not checking the forums more often.
Just tested release version and its in the same format.
I'm not promising anything quickly, but can you send a sample gcode file that I can test with?
Thats fine. I can just edit the file until you get it fixed. Its just a nice to have to get a decent approximation