3.0RC1 and Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin file
The release notes for 3/0RC1 state:
You should also upload the new IAP file for your system. You will need it when upgrading firmware in future. These files are called Duet2CombinedIAP.bin, DuetMaestroIAP.bin, Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin (for Duet 3+SBC) and Duet3_SDiap.bin (for Duet 3 standalone systems). You can leave the old IAP files on your system, they have different names and you will need them if you downgrade to earlier firmware.
I can't find the Duet3_SBCiap_MB6HC.bin file anywhere. It is certainly not in the release assets.
@dc42 Am I misreading something?
That file should be included when you upgrade to DSF 1.2 from the unstable package feed.
Ah, thank you! It was on the virtual SD, but I thought it was an old copy (that I'd somehow touched the timestamp).
Anyway, thank you and Merry Christmas!