Network connection problems
People addressed your concerns with pretty satisfactory answers (and sources), they offered solutions to your issues, and yet you continued to argue the same points, or you moved to increasingly more obscure scenarios. You went from expressing valid concerns to grasping for straws as to why wifi is the worst thing and its probably going to abduct your kids when you're not looking. Its starting to feel like US Bottle Rockets on the SeeMe forums again, just continuing on and on for no reason. You're not an asshole bot, I'm just tired of you beating the horse.
My main concern is not nearly the security issue… it was not I who was beating the dead horse. The issue of wifi is not dead, it's a real issue. I make printers for professional use, and sometimes my clients want to buy the printers. I want to be able to offer them wired ethernet, end of story. If a client requires ethernet, they won't also enjoy the features of the duet wifi I guess, like the higher current rating on steppers. I merely entertained the discussion about security concerns because, to me, that sort of thing is interesting.
[[language]] >>> M552 S1 SENDING:M552 S1 WiFi server starting up DuetWiFiServer version 1.03 (ch fork) Flash size 4194304, free RAM 32840 bytes, WiFi Vcc 3.04V, host name: duetwifi, reset reason: Turned on by main processor WiFi server connected to access point XXXXXXX, IP=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, signal strength=-89dBm
Pinging works. However when I try to access the DWC I get the following crash:
[[language]] DuetWiFiServer version 1.03 (ch fork) Flash size 4194304, free RAM 32840 bytes, WiFi Vcc 3.03V, host name: duetwifi, reset reason: Exception WiFi server connected to access point XXXXXXX, IP=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, signal strength=-89dBm
M122 didn't give much information. It could be the weak signal strength. I have no other choice…
+1 for DuetWifi AP mode.It's a pity I still have severe wifi issues. IMHO that's the weakest part of the DuetWifi.
Thanks for any help! -
Yes -89dbm is a very weak signal. One option is to install a WiFi repeater closer to the Duet than your router is. Depending on what router you have already, another option may be to get a better router, especially if your existing one doesn't have MIMO capability.
We recognise that for a minority of users, wired Ethernet is preferable to WiFi. I have spent much of today working on the firmware for the forthcoming Duet Ethernet.
would it be possible to upgrade from wifi to ethernet ? like just replacing the esp module by an ethernet module ?
The prototype I am working with is a converted Duet WiFi. So If our plans work out as we hope, it should be possibe to convert a blue production Duet WiFi board to Ethernet. You would need a hot air desoldering too to remove the WiFi module.
That's great news!
Would a access point mode work for the DuetWiFi if more people needed it?I already tried some kind of repeater configuration by using an old router, which worked very well with other wifi devices. With the Duet WiFi I get the same behaviour I described above (only pinging works).
Yes we're planning to support running the Duet WiFi in access point mode.
I took my plain DuetWifi board, a usb cable and a laptop to a brand new access point.
The signal strength is around -40dBm.
Same problem again.Did you see my VCC reading? It's 3.04V. Could that be a problem? I saw other boards have around 3.3V.
If the Vcc really is only 3.03V then that could be a problem. However, that reading is taken by the ESP module itself, so it is only as accurate as the voltage reference in the module- which probably has a tolerance of 10% or so.
If the wifi server code keeps resetting with an exception, that suggests a bug in the server code, or possibly a hardware problem. But it's hard to diagnose a crash when we can't reproduce it, especially when we are dependent on 3rd-party code and not all the source is available.
Flash size 4194304, free RAM 32808 bytes, WiFi Vcc 3.21V, host name: duetwifi, reset reason: Exception
I can easily reproduce this by connecting to the web interface from both my computer (chromium) and my phone(firefox) and trying to move head from the machine control tab.
You are right with the 10% tolerance.
My DMM showed 3.29V between +3.3V and GND on the ESP8266 module.I tried different server versions:
DuetWiFiServer version 1.02 shows VCC 3.30V
DuetWiFiServer version 1.03 (ch fork) shows VCC 3.04VThe micro sd card shouldn't influence the web server. I also tried without micro sd card. No change.
@dc42: What third-party code do you mean? I only found this for the server:
@lolorc: What's your signal strength? Does it work for you with only one device connected?
@lolorc: What's your signal strength? Does it work for you with only one device connected?
signal strength=-54dBm
It works for me with only one device.
I guess the crashes come from too much errors and retransmissions.
It would help to get real error messages instead of "exception", I'm looking at the source at the moment, I'm wondering how I could add debug statements in DWS ( I'm not sure i can simply add Serial.println("DEBUG: BLAH"); I guess I need to have them parsed in RRF so they get displayed on the console.about having duetwifi working as a AP, it can be easily implemented in here :
Have you tried to use another AP ? an android phone used as a portable hotspot for instance. (as I mention in I had weird issues with a cisco aironet 1130 AP, was working perfectly with my android phone before, now I'm testing a 1140 AP) -
It would help to get real error messages instead of "exception", I'm looking at the source at the moment, I'm wondering how I could add debug statements in DWS ( I'm not sure i can simply add Serial.println("DEBUG: BLAH"); I guess I need to have them parsed in RRF so they get displayed on the console.hmmm looks like I might just have to populate ESP_COMMS to receive the Serial.println from DWS
@lolorc: What's your signal strength? Does it work for you with only one device connected?
It would help to get real error messages instead of "exception", I'm looking at the source at the moment, I'm wondering how I could add debug statements in DWS ( I'm not sure i can simply add Serial.println("DEBUG: BLAH"); I guess I need to have them parsed in RRF so they get displayed on the console.
I agree, we need at least the program address that caused the exception to be able to debug this. Unfortunately, the core library for the ESP8266 is closed source. Even if the manufacturer wanted to open-source it, the FCC won't allow that.
I do have a major rework of the DuetWiFiServer code planned. I think it will be next after implementing babystepping in firmware 1.18 and finishing support for the Duet Ethernet (which is mostly working already).
Can you confirm if I connect to URXD1/UTXD1 (ESP_COMMS) I will get the access to the ESP serial and be able to get messages from the Serial.println in DWS to debug it ?
Can you confirm if I connect to URXD1/UTXD1 (ESP_COMMS) I will get the access to the ESP serial and be able to get messages from the Serial.println in DWS to debug it ?
Yes, that should work if you match the baud rates.
[[language]] Exception (28): epc1=0x4000bf0e epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000 ctx: cont sp: 3fff0510 end: 3fff07f0 offset: 01a0 >>>stack>>> 3fff06b0: 3ffe0031 3fff0790 3fff0790 4020bd1f 3fff06c0: 3fff1284 3fff0790 3fff0740 4020c00a 3fff06d0: 3fff1284 3fff0790 3fff09b4 4020842b 3fff06e0: 00000000 0000001f 0000001f 3fffbf74 3fff06f0: 0000004f 00000044 3fffbedc 0000000f 3fff0700: 0000000a 3fffc6fc 00000001 3ffef7bc 3fff0710: 3fffbec4 0000000f 00000000 3fffbe74 3fff0720: 0000000f 00000006 3fffbe4c 0000001f 3fff0730: 0000000a 3fffbe34 0000000f 00000003 3fff0740: 3fffbf0c 0000005f 00000050 00000000 3fff0750: 3fff09f0 3fff0840 3fff11b4 3fff07a8 3fff0760: 3fffdad0 00000000 0000000a 3fff3714 3fff0770: 402015da 00000001 00000001 3ffef7c4 3fff0780: 3fffdad0 000003e8 3fff09b4 4020945b 3fff0790: 3ffe9240 00000000 000003e8 00105ac9 3fff07a0: 3fff097c 3fffbe9c 00000000 40206c2c 3fff07b0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef7bc 402097e3 3fff07c0: 00000000 00000000 00000001 40206bd5 3fff07d0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef7bc 40206c00 3fff07e0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffef7d0 40101a44 << <stack<<< 8="" 16="" ets="" jan="" 2013,rst="" cause:2,="" boot="" mode:(3,0)="" load="" 0x4010f000,="" len="" 1384,="" room="" tail="" chksum="" 0x2d="" csum="" v09f0c112="" <="" pre="">this is from one of my build, so I guess the stack trace won't be that helpful</stack<<<>
[[language]] Exception (28): epc1=0x4000bf0e epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000 ctx: cont sp: 3fff04f0 end: 3fff07d0 offset: 01a0 >>>stack>>> 3fff0690: 3fff1264 3fff0770 3fff06c0 3ffe964c 3fff06a0: 3fff1264 3fff0770 3fff06cc 4020c006 3fff06b0: 3fff1264 3fff0770 3fff0994 4020848c 3fff06c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3fffb9cc 3fff06d0: 0000000f 0000000a 3fffb9b4 0000000f 3fff06e0: 0000000a 3fffdad0 3ffef7a4 00000030 3fff06f0: 3fff9b3c 0000000f 00000000 3fff9b24 3fff0700: 0000000f 00000006 3fffbb54 0000001f 3fff0710: 0000000a 3fffbb3c 0000000f 00000003 3fff0720: 3fffb884 0000005f 00000050 00000000 3fff0730: 3fff09d0 3fff0820 3fff1194 3fff0788 3fff0740: 3fffdad0 00000000 0000000a 3fff36f4 3fff0750: 402015da 00000001 00000001 3ffef7a4 3fff0760: 3fffdad0 0000011d 3fff0994 4020945b 3fff0770: 3ffe9220 00000000 000003e8 0003fa5e 3fff0780: 3fff095c 3fffa044 00000000 40206c2c 3fff0790: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef79c 402097e3 3fff07a0: 00000000 00000000 00000001 40206bd5 3fff07b0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffef79c 40206c00 3fff07c0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffef7b0 40101a44 << <stack<<< 8="" 16="" 24="" ets="" jan="" 2013,rst="" cause:2,="" boot="" mode:(3,6)="" load="" 0x4010f000,="" len="" 1384,="" room="" tail="" chksum="" 0x2d="" csum="" v09f0c112="" ~ld="" wait="" wifi="" <="" pre="">this is with 1.13 (ch fork)</stack<<<>