Any reason for the 262 C max temp?
After some discussion with others I chose 260C as a likely maximum temperature that a user would need to set when printing common filaments, then I added 2C to allow for overshoot when heating up.
This caused me to waste about half an hour being utterly frustrated because I couldn't get it up to 285 to change my nozzle - and nothing told me anything.
Here's what i use for reference:
M143 H0 S110 ; Set maximum temperature for bed to 110C M143 H1 S285 ; Set maximum temperature for hotend to 285C
Thanks David for the response.
btw the reason for having a default limit was that most hot ends don't like high temperatures, because they have either a thermistor with a temperature limit of (typically) around 270-280C or a PTFE liner.
So the fact that E3D recommend 285 for nozzle change is not useful…
my bad...
P1 is not correct... H1...
So the fact that E3D recommend 285 for nozzle change is not useful…
I can't override?
Or 262 is good enough for nozzle change?
Read the reply a few post above
So the fact that E3D recommend 285 for nozzle change is not useful…
Can you give me a link to that? I'm quite happy to increase the default maximum temperature if that would help users.
Thanks, I'll increase the default limit to 288C in the next release.