Method for check heat cartridge voltage
Info obtained from E3d wiki, copy and paste..
Before you install your heater cartridge, you should double check that you both purchased and received the correct voltage cartridge. Cartridges are laser etched with their voltage, but all it is worth double-checking anyway. This process is less annoying than putting out a house fire. If you have a 12v30w heater cartridge, your multimeter should read 4.8Ω If you have a 24v30w heater cartridge, your multimeter should read 19.2Ω Your cartridges resistance may deviate slightly from these numbers, which is fine. We're mostly interested in verifying which cartridge type you have. If you have a 12v 40w heater cartridge your multimeter should read 3.6Ω If you have a 24v 40w heater cartridge your multimeter should read 14.4Ω
Best method is to use an ohm meter to find the resitance of the heater catridge. Then use ohms law to do the math to calculate the power at either 12 or 24 volts.
Or this link has yhe resistance values for each e3d heater cartridge. You will still need to measure the resistance. the e3d heaters I’ve purchased are clearly marked with voltage and wattage.